sad tree x tall tree: beneath the roots

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As the artificial sun shone down in the beautiful undergrove, Sad Tree sat away from the rest of the trees. The stunning weeping willow swayed, longing for the one they believed they could never have. They watched from a distance as Tall tree stood with all of the other "hot trees" looking radiant in the artificial light, shining off their leafs in all the right places.

Tall Tree could sense they were being watched and turned to see Sad Tree all alone in the distance. "I'll be right back guys!" Tall tree said to the other sexy trees.

It was no secret that Tall Tree and Sad Tree were in love, but they seemed to be the only ones who couldn't tell. They were so oblivious that the only thing stopping them from being together was themselves.

"Hey Sad Tree, do you mind if I sit with you for a bit?"

"Oh um-, I guess. What's up? Other than you of course" Sad tree could feel themselves beginning to blush

"Nothing, I just... I like being around you." Tall Tree responded lowering themself besides Sad Tree.

"Why? You should be around the other hot trees! Not around me! I don't deserve to be around you! You're so perfect and beautiful and," Sad Tree could feel themselves beginning to cry "I don't deserve your friendship."

Tall tree was taken aback by the sudden outburst "What are you talking about?" Tall tree extended their roots to intertwine with their dearest friends. "You are literally the most gorgeous and amazing tree I've ever seen."

They sat with their roots now fully intertwined in a comfortable silence, the artificial sun beaming down on the two of them.

"I'm in love with you.... And if you don't feel the same just tell me now! I can't keep doing this, pretending that I haven't loved you for all these years. I know you could never love me back the same way I love you but you deserve to know. Just let me down now so I can move on." Sad Tree said, trying to hide behind their drooping leafs.

Tall tree didn't know how to respond. Their mind was spinning and they could feel their heart pounding.

"I knew it. I fucked up. I shouldn't have said anything." Sad tree sighed and tried to pull away, but the grasp around their roots suddenly grew tighter.

"NO! WAIT I-" Tall Tree hesitated for a second. "I'm in love with you too! I just- I didn't know how to tell you! I want to stay like this with you for as long as you'll allow it." Tall Tree said.

"I'd like that." Sad Tree responded leaning against Tall Tree. They sat together and watched as Erin O'Neill stabbed a straw into a bag of milk, Capri Sun style apon her thrown of meat. After She used her magic to lower the sun and simulate a calm peaceful night, and in that moment, everything felt perfect.

*Fade to black*

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