a reason to start a relisten: Henry x Darryl

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(so I'm currently writing this on an airplane while running on no sleep so if this makes no sense that's why 😎👍
Also this takes place in the inn in episode 2)

"Darryl and I are married so we should probably share a bed" (that's an actual quote) Henry said when they were trying to figure out the sleeping situation. There were 4 of them plus a dragon and only 2 beds so it seemed to make sense that they would share. Ron decided that he was going to sleep in the bathtub which no one questioned, since Ron is Ron. They were all getting comfortable and settling into their sleeping situation.

(The flight attendant has just been standing beside me for like 5 minutes now and I'm a little concerned)

Glenn passed out almost immediately and was audibly snoring. Darryl was sitting at the edge of the bed trying not to look at the man that, although he didn't want to admit, Darryl had unnecessary feelings towards (Ace Attorney fans know what's up). The words "Darryl and I are married" were looping in his brain. He knew what Henry was referring to but he couldn't seem to stop daydreaming about what that would actually be like.

"Welp we should probably hit the sack, eh Darryl?" Henry said sliding under the covers. The bed was about a double so it wasn't very big.

When Darryl lied down their bodies were touching a bit. Darryl naturally ran warm, especially next to Henry who was very cold to the touch (I know that vegan bitch would be anemic. He just like me for real). "You're really cold" Darryl said trying not to make things any more awkward.

"Oh shoot sorry, I don't have my iron supplements, I tend to run a bit cold compared to most." He gave a slight chuckle, not realizing how awkward Darryl was. "Guess you'll just have to put up with me tonight, I'm sorry." He said. His tone was genuinely comforting.

"No no it's fine!" Darryl said "I'm basically a space heater so I don't really mind. If you want I can help keep you warm." A silence filled the room. Darryl didn't realize what he was saying until after he already said it. When he processed what he said his face turned bright red. "I mean! Um- like just being beside each other, to like balance it out!"

Henry couldn't help but laugh. "Smooth recovery." He turned and put his hand on Darryl's chest. "I mean we might as well get comfortable. The better we get along, the better chance we have at saving our kids, so I guess balancing each other out is a good thing."

Darryl moved his arm around Henry. The two were straight up cuddling at this point (damn these bitches kinda gay, good for them) and they both drifted off to sleep

*Fade to black*

(So I'm still on the plane but when I can publish it I'm not proofreading it cause I think it's funny. At this point I've been awake for over 24 hours so this is how sleep deprived Sawyer writes, please be nice to them and give them hugs and forehead kisses, they really wanna go to bed 😔✌️)

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