Ch 2 - Early Start

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Tuesday morning was an early wake up call for Lily, and she didn't care for it. Her phone alarm had told her it was time to get up, but her body was resisting in full. She looked over at the other side of the bed where Cassie still lay sound asleep. Careful not to wake her friend, she gathered her things and ducked out of the room and into the bathroom to get herself ready.

The events of the previous evening replayed through her head while she got ready. Now that she felt a little more rested, she began to wonder if she might have overthought everything. Grace probably had something upcoming related to the museum, and wanted Lily's help pulling it together. Still, there had been an urgency in her tone that refused to reconcile in Lily's thoughts.

"I need coffee," she thought out loud. Checking her watch, she decided she had enough time to brew some, and started a pot. "This will give Cassie a proper 'thank you' for putting me up for the night, too," she thought, making a full pot. While it brewed, she found a travel mug in Cassie's cupboard. Hearing a groan from the bedroom, she went to stick her head in the door.

"Hey sleepy head," she called in a low voice, not wanting to wake Cassie if she was still asleep. "I'm just heading out, but I put a pot of coffee on for you."

"Ok, what time is it?" Cassie stammered, still not fully awake.

"Almost 8:00," Lily replied. "Will you still be around in hour? I'd like to come back and fill you in, if you're interested."

"I'll still be in bed," Cassie moaned. "Let yourself in." She rolled over and pulled her blanket around her like a cocoon.

Lily stood there with a smile, watching her. "Sweet dreams!" She called and turned to go, followed by a muffled "mwah!"

The morning was brisk, but there was no frost, thankfully. Lily had cut the time as close as she could, and was glad there was no delay. She checked her phone, and saw that Grace had sent her a text inviting her to an early breakfast at The Ship's Galley, a quaint diner near the museum that catered to a lot of the early risers that worked at the boatyards.

She made her way through town to the diner and went inside to find Grace seated at a booth at the back, waiting for her. She smiled and went over to sit down across from her.

"Good morning, Grace!" She said, hoping to hide her concerns and suspicions that something might be wrong.

"Thanks for coming, Lily, you look brighter than ever," she replied.

"Have you ordered yet?" Lily asked as she got settled into the booth.

"Just coffee... I forgot how you take yours, so I asked her to bring cream and sugar," Grace responded.

"You're a dear, thanks," Lily said. She picked up the one page menu and cast her glance around it, but she wasn't really feeling hungry, so it was more to pass time. They sat in silence, which thickened in the air between them. Lily wanted to start the conversation, but didn't know what attitude to approach it with. She steeled herself with a breath and went for neutral detachment.

"So Grace, you said there was something you wanted to go over with me..." she tossed into the tension.

Grace fidgeted with her cup for a moment, then said "I was thinking of hiring you to do some work for me." She said it a little awkwardly, but her brows were deeply furrowed, and Lily could read the intense strain she felt on her face. She needed to give Grace her full attention, and not risk any flippant remarks.

"Okay," she began. "What do you need me to do?"

Grace looked up to catch Lily's eye, and Lily's heart almost fell into her feet. The cheerful, weathered face she remembered was gone. In its place Grace looked haggard, with bags taking shape beneath her eyes and her whole face sagging with stress and some hidden grief.

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