Ch 31 - Grace's Story

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Grace bustled around Lily's kitchen, putting together a simple breakfast to show her appreciation for everything she and Cassie had done for her over the last several days. She had been on her own now for sixty years, and felt wrong having to rely on anyone else. And yet, as independent as she was, she was also not stupid, and when it became clear that things were getting out of hand, she had known that she would need help and asked for it.

She had felt like she was intruding on her friend by staying the night, but she also knew the state of her own house, and wasn't ready for that just yet. While she prepped breakfast, Carter had come out, no doubt smelling the bacon and fresh coffee. Grace felt a wince of regret and tension when he walked in the kitchen, but she smiled and said good morning as she poured him a cup of coffee.

"That was quite the exciting evening, eh Grace," he said after thanking her for the coffee. "Yes siree, I don't think I've exercised that much in twenty years." He chuckled at his own joke.

"Nor have I, Carter," Grace said. "Those two are special. I don't know anyone else who would risk as much for me."

"They sure came through in the pinch," Carter agreed. "Great pair of gals!"

Grace raised an eyebrow and gave him a scathing look, but didn't say anything.

"Let me set out some plates, Gracie," he said. "I feel like I should give you a hand after all you've done for me lately."

Cassie and Lily walked in to the smell of bacon and scrambled eggs, the rich, warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the room.

"Good morning," they each said, looking with pleasure and wonder at the scene before them.

"Make yourself at home, Grace," Lily added.

Grace eyed her carefully over the food she was plating. She paused, looked Lily in the eye, and said "I'm sorry, my dear, have I overstepped my bounds? I can clear this all out in a jiffy."

"Don't you dare!" Cassie yelled, reaching out to claim a plate and cup of coffee. Grace threw back her head and laughed, with Lily joining her.

"What brought this on, Gracie?" Lily asked.

Grace sighed, and shot her a wicked glance, but finished what she was doing and joined the rest of the party at the table.

"It's not much," she said, "but I appreciate what you did to find us and help us get away from Peabody."

Cassie leaned over to clasp Grace by the hand. "It was a lovely gesture, and we are honored by it. Thank you."

Grace smiled at Cassie, her face drawn tight as she struggled to control her emotions. Lily watched her across the table, and recognized how deeply affected Grace was at the moment by even the smallest things. She wanted to give her something to think about or talk about, but kept coming back to the events of the last two days. Maybe hearing from Grace was something they all needed right now.

"Grace, that was quite an idea on your part to have us track your phone." Lily started. Grace pulled her hand back from Cassie's and seemed to shake off the spell she was under. She took a sip of coffee to clear her throat.

"I'm glad you figured out the clue, but I wasn't sure how quickly you would find it," she replied.

Cassie sat back and started devouring her breakfast. "We were so worried about you, Grace. What happened? How did you end up in New York?"

Lily loved Cassie for moments like this, so bold and direct. "She's right, Grace. We were beside ourselves when we heard you were missing. I feel like an investigator... but could you tell us all what you've been doing?"

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