Ch 15 - Ready to Act

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"Do you think anyone called her?" Cassie asked as Lily drove her to the bookstore.

"I'm sure they must have," Lily started to say. "How could they call her missing if they hadn't?"

"I suppose," Cassie replied, "but they also thought she was injured and kidnapped until you suggested otherwise. They might not have wanted to alert the kidnappers before."

"Actually, they could probably track her phone unless it was turned off," Lily surmised. "Then it would make sense not to call. As long as they don't reach out to her on the phone, there's a chance it is on and they could track it."

"I hadn't thought about that," Cassie said. "But if she wasn't kidnapped, there'd be no reason for her to turn off her phone, would there?"

Lily let that sink in. Could it be that simple to get in touch with Grace? She had a feeling that Grace wanted to keep out of sight for now, and was very likely to take any precaution to do so. But would that extend to turning her phone off?

"I think I'll give her a call after I drop you off," Lily said at last. "How do you feel about a little drive after work tonight? I'd like to take a look at the old family home myself and not just take the sheriff's word for it. Are you in?"

"You're driving to Appleton later?" Cassie asked. She thought about it, and decided she was up for a late night. She certainly didn't want to be left out, not while she hoped there was something she could do for Grace. "I close up at 6:00 pm, pick me up at 7, ok?"

"I'll be here with bells on," Lily said cheerfully, then corrected herself. "Actually, no bells, I may need to sneak a closer look."

"Good point," Cassie said. "Ring for me upstairs when you come, I'll want to change before we go."

They said goodbye, and Cassie headed in to the bookstore to work. Lily drove home and sat down at the computer. She pondered starting a new file to cover this investigation, but decided that it was more an expansion of what she had already started, so she added all the new data she had into the existing file.

After entering everything, she decided to try her hand at tracking down Grace Atwater, and the family farm. That reminded her that she had promised Cassie she would call Grace. She picked up the phone, but couldn't bring herself to call. She couldn't shake the feeling that Grace wanted to be off grid. Maybe if she sent a text? That might do it. It would put the ball in Grace's court. If she wanted to be contacted, or had no reason to stay away, she could reply. If she wanted to keep her distance.

She started to draft a text, then remembered that Grace had been cryptic with all the information she had divulged (Lily realized that most of that consisted of her own wild speculation. She typed and revised what she wanted to send until she felt it was right.

"Headed to Newton's for pie, did you get the big apples?" And hit send. It was cryptic, but Lily hoped Grace would understand. She really hoped it was vague enough for anyone else reading it to miss her intended message. She sat staring at the screen, waiting for a response. She knew it was unlikely, but kept checking just the same.

Her search for Atwater pulled up some interesting results. Grace, it seems was part of a long-established family from the midcoast of Maine. The Atwaters were early settlers of the farmlands around Rockland, and had been part of Appleton since its incorporation in 1829. The twentieth century had seen the family dwindle and many move on and away, but three families seemed to keep a strong foothold within the area.

One of these must be Grace's family, Lily decided, but was unable to gain any more information. There were Atwaters connected with a country store, a farm that apparently sells antiques, and a bed and breakfast near the town center on Route 131. Lily noted the addresses of all three, then got a bag together for the evening. She didn't think they would be gone overnight, but it wouldn't hurt to be prepared.

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