Ch 22 - Answers

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"Lily!" Cassie's voice rang loud in the empty museum, rising in pitch to a terrifying level, then echoing down the long hallways. There was a clatter as chairs were slammed back and Lily and Randy rushed out into the hall, fear etched on their faces.

Cassie turned a brilliant shade of red, utterly embarrassed, but no less animated. She stepped to the side and pointed at the photograph hung on the wall before her. Randy came forward, his hand dropping from where a handgun would be if he wore one. Lily was white with shock, and half-ran to Cassie's side, concern etched on her pale face.

Randy came to join them, watching as Lily looked in confusion on the photo, following Cassie's outstretched finger down to the placard on the wall just below it. She read it and her eyes went wide as she sucked in a sharp breath. Randy cocked his head and looked from one of them to the other, then back to the photo.

"I don't understand," Randy said at last. "What are we looking at? Are you ok, Cassie, that was some scream."

"I'm sorry, Randy," Cassie said. "I forgot you were here. I hope I didn't frighten you. I didn't expect to see this here, and knew Lily would want to look at it right away."

"Oh, that's ok," Randy said, his voice betraying a little hurt.

"It has to do with Grace, Randy," Lily said. "She left us a clue to help find her, and she referenced this photo."

She winced internally at her little white lie, but she was also convinced that the photo was important.

"Oh my god! What do you think it means?" Randy asked. "I know this exhibit is new... she just set it up a day or two ago."

"Is that so?" Lily was intrigued. That would have been the day that she and Cassie had met with her.

"Oh my, Lily," Cassie interrupted. "Did she leave it her for us to find?"

"Is that why she left it here?" Randy asked, his voice thin with awe. "Is it going to help you find her? Oh god, I hope so. Grace is the nicest person I've ever worked with, and if she left anything that will help you find her... well, the quicker the better, I say."

Lily thought this was going well, but wanted to be careful just the same. "Randy, I'd like to remove this photo from the exhibit for now so we can get a closer look at it in private. Do you think it would be ok to bring it into Grace's office? The windows here make me feel so exposed, even with the museum closed."

"Do you want me to get it, or can you manage?" Randy asked Lily. She thanked him and lifted it carefully from the wall. He ushered them back to the office, keeping a furtive eye on the parking lot, keeping an eye out for any prying eyes. The street outside the museum stayed empty.

Once inside the office, Randy cleared a space on the desk for Lily to lay the photo down. She placed it face down on the desk, and studied the backing of the frame it was in. Randy seemed puzzled, but asked "do you think she hid a clue behind the photo?"

Lily said nothing, but that was exactly what she was thinking. Right now she was struggling with how badly she wanted to open the back of the photo frame and how much she wanted to share with Randy. Cassie picked up on her internal debate, and decided to help.

"Is there anything we can hang on the wall in this photo's place, Randy," she asked. "Just in case someone does come by or they decide to open back up... we don't want anyone to see an empty spot on the wall and start asking questions."

"You're right on that point, Cassie, and I know just where to look." Randy led Cassie out of the office and back toward the storeroom where they kept the exhibit pieces they weren't displaying at the moment. "Grace had me put away the photos she decided not to use in the main display. There were a lot more entries that came in than she was expecting..."

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