day 6

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~ stay safe yourself ~

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~ stay safe yourself ~

prompt: "stay quiet!"
character: peter parker (a.g.)
warnings: violence

Your fingers tap against your desk, the lesson moving along slowly. "Class! I get that trigonometry is not the most exciting topic in your teenage years, but the state requires that I teach you that... y/n, are you listening?" The teacher asks, making you look up from your all too interesting pencil and make eye contact. "Yes, I'm listening Mr. Johnson," you pull your arm back, folding into across your chest, leaning forward in your seat.

"Good... now, does anyone have a good answer to-" Mr. Johnson begins again; however, your focus turns towards the clock. It ticks down every second left of the godforsaken class. As you watch another minute come to an end, a large thump can be heard from outside your classroom. Due to the volume, it sounds maybe a few classrooms down. Suddenly, a locker breaks through the wall closest to the hallway. It's crumbled, along with the wall.

Just outside the hole you can see some giant lizard... and Spider-Man. Without hesitating you reach into your bag and grab a camera. "Class! Get to the windows, we're on the first floor, it'll be easy to get out," Mr. Johnson announces, running to the windows and starting to open them. Everyone rushes around you, leaving you to walk towards the open hole. It's big enough to let you through; you enter the hallway and begin to follow the line of destruction.

The camera hangs from your neck, one of your hands lightly grazing it to make sure it stays there. This is one of the few moments in which you'll be able to photograph Spider-Man, something you've been waiting for. Passing a corner, you see Spider-Man swing through a door, webbing the... lizard thing. Without waiting or maybe quieting your camera, you snap a photo of the two. The camera's noise sets off, both of them looking towards you, their senses seemingly only surrounding you.

"Hell no," you lament quietly, turning around and running down the hall. Your speed picks up as you hear the big thing rushing after you, with Spider-Man close on him, letting out quick quips. In front of you sits a classroom, so you open the door, closing it behind you and sliding beneath the teacher's desk. Your breathing quickens as the wall is crumpled from something, possibly the lizard's own hands, paws?

"Come on snake man, we were fighting, remember?" Spider-Man's surprisingly familiar voice calls out, the sound of something large falling behind you. You bite your lip to stop yourself from screaming or crying, or possibly both. Spider-Man and the lizard crash through the wall again. You crawl out from under the table, peering over at them. However, much to your demise, the lizard man sees you. With your arms and legs scuffling against the hard floor, you bring yourself out and up to your feet.

You grab the teacher's stapler and throw it at the monster, "Stay back, you don't know what I can do!" The stapler hits the lizard and falls off, not even phasing it. With a small sigh, you grab more things, throwing them at the lizard while backing up. It starts towards you, completely ignoring the objects you're throwing. You run around the students' desks and towards the door.

As you rush through the door something grabs your waist. You attempt to push away, grabbing at whatever you can to get away; inadvertently, you grab Spider-Man's mask. When you get ahold of yourself and truly figure out what's happening, you speak fairly loudly, "Oh my god! Peter?" Your eyebrows furrow and your mouth opens in surprise. He continues swinging, looking at you and back at the hallway, "Stay quiet!"

He stops the both of you and opens a janitor's closet, pulling you inside. "Stay quiet? You're Spider-Man," you frustratingly say, raising your hands and putting the back of your hands against your forehead. He puts his hands on his hips and lets out a sigh, "If you want to know why I didn't tell you, it's cause I didn't want to put you at risk." You look up at him, shaking your head. "No, that's not it. No, I'm just upset that I've been trying to get a stupid photo of Peter Parker this whole time and you didn't say anything," you push his chest, rolling your eyes, "Actually it's a mix of both."

"y/n, things like this, this'll happen more to you because you know, because we're connected. I couldn't do that to you-" He stops, the lizard thing throwing lockers around, shouting something along the lines of Spider-Man. You look down at your feet and back up at him, "Peter, I would've helped you with anything, no matter the consequences. You're one of my closest friends, I wouldn't change that."

Peter looks at the door and back at you, "I can't do that to you, I just can't. I love you, y/n, that's why I can't. It's much more than just friendship or knowing you since we were like ten." Your eyes widen as you think about Peter liking you more than you had predicted or thought. "You have no idea how much you saying that means to me," you confess, taking both of your hands and cusping his cheeks. Within seconds, you're leaning forward and the two of you are kissing.

    Another crash occurs outside of the janitor's closet, the lizard closer than ever. You look at the door and back at Peter, "You should go stop him, and I'm going to go freak out." You hand him his mask, nearing forgetting that you were still holding it, clutching onto one of the things that you had been chasing for forever. "I'll freak out while I'm stopping him," Peter lets out a sigh, an excited and sweet sigh, grabbing the mask and pulling it over his face, "I'll see you tonight? I'll tell you how it goes with Dr. Connors."

    "Dr. Connors?" You ask, narrowing your eyes while looking at him. He nods, "I'll explain it later, I promise. Please, go home and stay safe." Without hesitation you nod, crossing your arms below your camera. Peter takes a step forward, his hand reaching for the door. Something compels him to turn around, pull his mask up some, causing him to kiss your forehead. "Stay safe yourself, Spider-Man," you whisper, he gives you a small nod. He opens the door and shuts it before him. From within the closet he can hear him shouting for the lizard to follow him.

    You bite your lip, just standing there. Suddenly, your life is changing. Everything is changing.

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