day 10

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~ insectable's attack ~

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~ insectable's attack ~

prompt: nightmare
character: barry allen
warnings: bugs, lots of bugs, intrusive thoughts

     You sit up, breathing heavily, the nightmare running through your mind over and over again. With an exasperated sigh, you look out the nearby window, clearing your mind by watching the clouds part. They reveal a serene moon, swaying a form of calmness within you. "Babe?" A disgruntled Barry stirs, his hand rubbing your back as he sits up, "Everything okay?"

    Your eyes meet his as you turn around, something about his iris' seems off, though. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a nightmare, some metahuman," While biting the inside of your cheek, Barry shakes his head. He rests his head on your arm, his skin making contact with your exposed skin, "You should really get in contact with that therapist, you've been having nightmares for weeks. Specifically about metahumans, hurting you, hurting me."

    "I'll see, we've just been so busy, I don't know," you look down towards him, sighing. He sits his head back up, pulling your hand up to his mouth, kissing your palm softly. His body seems off, moving in a way that doesn't feel human. You narrow your eyes, looking at him with blurry vision, "Are you okay? You seem a little off this very early morning." The man shakes his head, looking towards you with a smile.

    He rests your hand on the bed, "Yes, you've just woken both of us up at about I don't know two in the morning and I'm exhausted. Please, just lay down and I'm sure you'll relax." You nod, ignoring the initial uneasiness building within your gut. The two of you lay back down, Barry wrapping his arm around your waist, kissing the back of your neck. "I love you," you whisper, holding his hand.

    "I love you too, and forever will. Forever, and ever, and ever," he says, seemingly more awake, an enthusiastic tone within his voice. You lower your eyebrows, looking towards the moon as it begins to lower in the sky. However, it's lowering quickly, moving quicker than normal. "Babe? Can you let go, something's happening," you pull at his hand, attempting to pull it off of you. He holds on tight, his voice distorting as he says 'ever' again. You look back, his face melting into a million bugs.

    They begin to crawl all over the bed, squirming around your back as the arm turns into the same concoction of caterpillars, worms, any insect that can come to mind. You scream, moving your body away, falling to the ground as they start to follow you. Instantly you realize it's a dream, that this can't be happening, it feels real, but Barry is Barry. "I just want to wake up, this isn't real, it can't be real!" You scream, running through your apartment towards the door, hoping to escape into the hallway.

    "Aww, you think I'm a dream?" A voice questions, sounding omniscient as it surrounds the apartment. You pull on the door handle, unlocking it to pull it open. However, it doesn't budge, the handle stays in place as the voice gets louder, talking about how you're stuck. "Was I a good Barry? Because I feel as though it's easy to fake loving something. It's clear he doesn't actually love you, which is why this works perfectly for me," the voice collects into one, the bugs crawling over themselves to create a humanoid figure.

    Soon it looks more human, a metahuman likely, "y/n, you're such a good sport. Normally whenever this happens they just throw things, one even used a blowtorch before, wow did that hurt." It smiles towards you, the smile even resembling that of Barry's. It holds out it's hand, watching as you grab the lamp near the front door, "I'm terribly sorry, I didn't tell you my name. It's Insectable, I'm quite popular nowadays, I'm sure you've heard of me."

    You shake your head, reading to swing the lamp at the metahuman. "Leave me alone!" You step back, trying to keep a distance away from it. It follows you as you grab a water bottle, opening it. "Water? Yes, I've heard of your ability to what, wasn't it boiling water? Or controlling it or something?" Insectable asks, tilting its head at you. You manipulate the water to exit the bottle, warming it until it begins to bubble. "Where is Barry?" You question, the water swirling around your arm.

    "Barry? That boy? Oh he's long gone, and he'll never be able to help you. Nor would he want to, he doesn't care about you," It shakes its head, looking down on you. You throw the water towards it, hitting some of the bugs, causing its stomach to fall to the ground, shells of bugs. It shakes its head, sighing, enjoying your suffering. "Now, how about we end your suffering quickly," it collapses, falling into a pile of bugs that start towards you.

    They're seemingly quicker than regular bugs, almost as if they have super speed, copying Barry's powers. You turn around for a second, trying to figure out how far back they are so you can make a plan. However, you trip over Barry's old shoes that he constantly leaves out. No matter how quick you are, though, the bugs begin to crawl up you. You try to kick at them with your other foot, using your hands to attempt to swat them off. Nothing stops them, though.

    They keep climbing, covering your body. You fall to the ground, covering your face, your mouth especially. Your whole body feeling as though it's squirming, your skin moving by itself. Suddenly everything stops. You move your hands, looking around, your body still in the bed, Barry laying peacefully beside you. Your hands shake as you push yourself away from him, accidentally falling to the ground. It comes with a loud thud, awakening Barry. He looks over the side of the bed, watching as your eyes widen. "y/n? What happened?"

    "Please tell me you aren't a metahuman made of bugs," your lip quivers as he sighs, moving the blankets and getting up. "I'm not a metahuman made of bugs," he mentions, sitting beside you on the ground and wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You lean your head against his shoulder, sighing cautiously. "Babe, remember when Cisco mentioned talking to a therapist about your nightmares, I think we should go together and meet one. I don't want you to have to keep going through this," he leans his head against yours, taking his free hand and holding it out, letting you grab it.

You happily do, lifting your head and looking over at him. "You're a lifesaver, and the best husband anyone could hope for," you kiss his cheek and sit back. Barry smiles down at you, his mouth wide and his eyes glossy. You stare into his eyes as they appear similar to that of the nightmare's, a glint of monstrous intentions hiding behind the sweet words he whispers to you.

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