Chapter 8

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Sky pov

Worrying, I bite my nails down to stubs. Maybe taking Bucky here wasn't the best idea. I know he wanted to see Steve but I don't know. Plus, after trying to pull his arm off, he seems more... Out of it. Maybe it was after the nightmare actually. He's been whispering to himself, and always seems confused and lost. Like when I first met him. I just wanted him to feel safe, so I brought him to a warehouse. Luckily, it has some small rooms, which me and Steve dragged mattresses into. Bucky and I have all our stuff here. I'm on leave at my job, and Steve's been borrowing money from Tony for us. I feel guilty for practically stealing from Tony, but I doubt he would care. One time, I enter Bucky's room, to see him lying on his mattress, his head in his hands.
"You okay Bucky?" I ask.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me," he says in a tense voice. I sigh and go find Steve.
"Steve, I don't think this is working. I know he's not the best at the moment with... Social interaction, but it has to be better than isolation. Plus, we know he went through that at hydra. Why don't we just ask Tony if we can go to the compound? Plus, he'll probably be more lenient. Y'know, after the whole Ultron thing."
Steve looks at me, considering.
"That's a good idea. Give me a minute."
I can faintly hear him talking in the background.
"Hey Tony, so basically, I know I haven't been around recently, but I'm going to be bringing a couple of people to live at the compound, if that's okay? Uhm, one of them might stay in their room a bit, but I'll try to get them to be... Social."
I go find Bucky and tell him the big news. He's still in the same position.
"Bucky?" I ask hesitantly.
"What?" He asks in an irritated voice.
"Um, we might be moving into the compound. With the Avengers"
Bucky's head shoots up.
"With Stark?" He asks. I nod, and he looks at the floor.
"Okay, I'll probably end up regretting this later but Steve will be upset if I say no." He says. I nod, and leave the room. I accidentally walk into Steve, and he has a massive grin on his face.
"Tony said yes. Well, more accurately, he said that he's impressed I have friends and would like to reward me for not being as antisocial as usual by bringing them over," he roll his eyes. I snicker slightly, and hear Bucky chuckling slightly.
"Did you hear that?" I ask, in awe.
"Yeah, the serum also enhances our senses. Plus, I was trained to hear people from a distance. Not just as the Winter Soldier, also in the army."

I nervously walk into the compound, twiddling my thumbs. I only knew 2 people here. Wanda and Pietro, and they were my siblings. And of course, Steve. He doesn't know that we're siblings yet, but he'll find out soon. As soon as we enter the building, a blur rushes past me. I sigh in exasperation and roll my eyes as he envelopes me in a hug.
"Sky! Oh my god, it's been way too long." He grins.
"Yeah yeah, I know," I say, grinning. I kiss him on the cheek and Steve looks at us in confusion. At that moment, Wanda comes panting. She comes over to me and hugs me as well, slapping Pietro on the way.
"Oh, I missed you sis," she says, hugging me. I turn to Steve, who's still confused.
"We're triplets, I'm in the middle. Unlike these two," I say, gesturing to my siblings, "I don't have cool powers. Like I can feel other people's emotions and make them tell the truth. But I don't even like to use them."

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