Chapter 22

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Sky pov

I regain consciousness in a hospital. I'm hooked up to a lot of... Things. I don't know what on earth they are, so that's the best word to describe them. After a couple of seconds, the pain in my leg returns. I groan as it throbs, and turn to my right. In another hospital bed is Steve, although he looks better than me. Considering he isn't fully healed yet, because the serum means he heals super quickly, he must've been badly injured. My heart breaks as I think of Bucky. My eyes lock onto Nat's as I search for her. She sees me awake and hurries to my side.
"Hey Sky-" she starts.
"Bucky," I demand. She shakes her head.
"We can't, he beat us all somehow. I don't know how," she says. I roll onto my back and sigh. For the next few hours, I lie there. I don't have anything to do but think. Hours stretch into days, and my wound slowly heals. One day, I hear a loud alarm. The ringing echoes through my aching bones, and suddenly, a woman is speaking over the intercomms.
"An intruder has entered the property, they are armed, dressed in all black, and have a metal arm. We believe this is the Winter Soldier again. Please evacuate the hospital," she says. My eyes widen as the lights go out. Everyone starts screaming and running around. I stand up and get out of bed, my whole body aching. I try to walk, but my leg crumples beneath me. Steve walks over to me, wincing with every step. I see a red stain coming through his hospital gown, but he ignores it. He picks me up and runs for the exit, but a shot is fired right next to my head. A masked figure is walking towards us. Bucky. Steve's breath hitches in his throat as I swallow painfully. It hurts to see the man I love like that.
"Bucky?" I ask tentatively. The figure doesn't speak, but continues to advance. Steve shudders as the light comes back on. Bucky's steel blue eyes are duller than ever, more like a grey than anything. The scariest part is you can't see any human in them. Bucky then stops walking and grabs out a gun. He shoots it towards Steve but he dodges, still holding me. Steve gently sets me down, standing over me. He knocks the gun out of Bucky's hand and throws it far away, so he can't reach it. Bucky lunges for me and he manages to wrap his finger around my throat. I gurgle slightly as he lifts me off the floor. Steve tries to stop him but Bucky knocks him away. The blood loss seems to finally get to Steve, as he stays down. My face starts to turn purple as I choke out a couple of words.
"Bucky, I love you. Please... Come back to me," I choke out. Bucky drops me to the floor.
"What?" He asks in a hoarse voice.
"Bucky, please, it's me. Sky. Remember when we first met? I knocked into you at target. You were going to steal the clothes, and you seemed so sad that you had to, but you felt guilty and returned them, so I bought you the best ones there? Remember when you asked me for help? You approached me in Coles and asked for help. Remember when we first kissed? You had been avoiding me for a week, and you were in the training room. Please Bucky, come back."
Bucky glances away in confusion. He seems to be waging a fight inside.
"I... I don't..." He says, clutching his head.
"No, they'll hurt me again, I can't remember you," he says. I gently touch his arm.
"They'll never hurt you again," I say. A tear rolls down Bucky's face.
"Oh god, Sky?"

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