Chapter 33

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Sky pov

I walk down the street, looking for food. Naturally, I'm on edge, because of what happened last time, but I'm prepared. I've actually learnt how to properly manipulate emotions. I spot a cafe on the corner. Perfect. I enter the cafe, sighing as I enter the short queue. This is just what I needed. I spot a menu above my head, and decide to order a hot chocolate. After a while, a server with a cheesy smile hands it to me. It looks perfect. I grab a pair of marshmallows and plop them in. I walk outside, drinking it as I walk back to the compound. At that moment, my phone rings.
"Sky? Hello?" Steve's voice emanates from the phone.
"Yes Steve, I'm here." I roll my eyes.
"We're planning on how to take down hydra again, you should back here," he responds. Something in his voice sounds different... He sounds sad.
"'mkay, I'll be there soon," I reply.

"So, Hydra is back. They naturally want Bucky back, and we suspect they want Sky. That's why they killed the person who let Sky go," Tony explains.
"Sorry, they killed that guy?" I exclaim.
"Yeah, also, I've been meaning to ask, why did you tell them where Bucky was? Like what did they do to you?" Steve asks, worry painted on his face.
"Oh, it's okay. They showed me some images... I thought they were real." My eyes flick to Bucky, and I glance down. I notice his hands are shaking, and his eyes are wider than usual. His movement is restricted, and everytime he does move, even the slightest bit, he winces.
"How long will it take for Bucky to heal?" I ask.
"Maybe a day or two? It's hard to tell, plus, because the serum isn't Dr Erskine's, we can't base anything off Steve." Tony shrugs. I sigh, glancing at Bucky.
"Well we should wait til he's better. Hydra wants Bucky right? So we probably shouldn't bring him with us, but we can't leave him alone if he's hurt," I explain.
"I'll be fine, I can come with you," Bucky says.
"No you're not. Sky, that's a good idea, but we should send some people at first. How about me, Steve and Pietro go? Then we have some people here to be able to keep an eye on the technical side of things, and also make sure no one tries to take Bucky back," Tony says. Bucky sighs in exasperation, but I give him a look.
"Bucky, c'mon. We're just trying to protect you," I say.
"I wouldn't agree but this is also protecting you guys, so okay." Bucky gives in.

I slip into my new suit. It's like the old one, but instead of green, it's purple. I run my hands up my sides, but I shudder as I think of what my dad did to me. Tony enters the room, handing me another leg brace.
"This one will be better for fighting," he explains, helping me strap it on. It helps me walk, and run. I sigh in relief, and change back into some normal clothes; an oversized maroon sweater, black leggings and black converse. I go to Bucky's room, where he's lying on his bed. On his back.
"Um, should you really be lying on your back?" I ask. Bucky turns to looks at me.
"I hate lying on my stomach." He says softly.
Because he obviously wouldn't have lain on his back if they were whipping and burning it idiot.
"Oh... Baby," I say. I gently brush my lips over his, causing him to moan slightly.
"Why must you tease me?" He asks, grinning.
"Well, I can't exactly fuck you right now. But I promise, once you're healed, I'll fuck you so much you won't be able to walk," I drawl.

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