Chapter One: Chandler

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(Again, I note that these are very stereotypical representations of the 16 personalities. Please do not take any offense if your type is annoying or rude or just nothing like you. Please do take offense if you actually act like the stereotype ((looking at you ESFJs)) ... I'm kidding!! Enjoy!)

         Chandler admired the river he stumbled across a moment ago. He thought about flexing the muscles he had spent months working towards, but a noise in the bushes caught his attention instead.

"Who goes there?? I'm a body builder, so you don't want to mess with me," he spoke confidently. In reality he was scared out of his ever loving mind.

A blonde girl popped out, looking him over. "And I'm an assassin trained in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu," she remarked sarcastically. "This isn't the Hunger Games, body builder. We're not here to kill each other."

Chandler took a step back. Sure he was practically two heads taller than she was, but whatever that Brazilian Jam-Jounsu stuff was, he did not want to find out.

"I knew that! I just said that so you'd be intimidated by me and fail the challenge!" He looked her over. She had thick blonde hair covered by a green bandana and dull blue eyes. She wore a pair of overalls and was... barefoot? 

"Where are your shoes?" Chandler asked her. 

She smirked. "In a river. I stepped on an anthill. Plus, I work better barefoot, like Toph."

Chandler was definately caught off guard. "Okay then... can I call you Toph?"


"Tell me your name then! If we team up, we'll be unstoppable!" Chandler had a hunch that teaming up with her would be his smartest decision yet. Even smarter than signing up at the gym during a discount event.

She rolled her eyes. "Caty."

Chandler grinned, sticking his hand out. "Nice to meet you, Caty! The name's Chandler; Chandler Judge."

Caty snorted, mumbling, "Judge, hah." She then took his hand, shaking it briskly. "Caty Renner, the brains and the brawn."

Chandler laughed. "You're funny!"

"I know." Caty smiled ever-so-slightly. 

And thus a friendship was born between the ESTP and the ISTP.

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