Chapter Three: Copernicus

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        Copernicus observed the world around him. It just had to be woods that he was stuck in. It couldn't be a labyrinth or something more challenging for the mind?? Copernicus knew that he was the best at a lot of things, but a forest in the middle of nowhere?? That he could not do.

Worst part is that it began to grow dark. Copernicus was hungry, sweaty, and increasingly difficult to everyone watching the show.

At some point, I will find other contestants. I better get lucky and find some agreeable, dependable and not annoying.

He was not lucky.

Up came to him a girl with short, messy, blue hair. She wore what looked like something a clown would hallucinate.

(The cover of the book is the lovely clown hallucination ●♡●)

She spotted Copernicus immediately, and ran up to him. "HI! I'M--"

"An eyesore," he inturrupting.

She froze, her mouth still open. She blinked a couple time before laughing. "I get that lot. Thanks!"

Copernicus was stunned. He expected her to leave because of what he said. He wanted her to leave.

"What's your name? I'm Caroline! Or I guess I'm an eyesore haha. Did I scare you? Oh gosh, you're frozen." She began to panic. "Ohmygosh are you having a heart attack?? Should I find someone else?? I'M SO SORRY!"

"Shut. Up." Copernicus growled. The human body has seven trillion nerves and she just got on every one of his.

Caroline stood awkwardly. "Sorry. Uh... if you want me to leave, I can leave..."

Copernicus sighed. Thinking logically; having a teammate would increase his chances of completing Round One, whether he liked it or not.

"No, you're fine. I'm Copernicus." He stuck his hand out, receiving a stiff handshake from Caroline.

"Isn't that the guy that said 'To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge'?"

He didn't want to admit it, but Caroline wasn't as dumb as he thought. "Yes, that's right."

Caroline smiled. "You must be a smart guy!" She gasped. "Can we team up?? We'll totally get through this with your smartness!"

Copernicus took a deep breath. "Yes, we can team up." I'm going to regret this.


And that was the unfortunate demise of Copernicus.

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