"dirty work"

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~glorias bar~

Klaus and Stefan entered the bar with Rebekah and Alora slowly following behind. "Well look who it is, Klaus Mikaelson!" Gloria said as she wiped down a table with a damp cloth. "Gloria! Long time no see" Klaus greeted her as he sat on a bar stool, pouring himself a glass of bourbon. "what can I do for you?" she asked the old hybrid as she poured three other glasses of bourbon, which the others happily took. "I need you to do a spell, to locate an old necklace my dear sister use to wear" Klaus said gesturing to Rebekah, who at this point was already sat on the bar next to Alora. "I see, well I don't practise magic no more. I only use it to keep me looking young" she joked, laughing at herself. "ah yes that's why I brought my other sister along, she may be of good help" Klaus said now pushing Alora off of the bar towards the old witch. "fine but this better not cause no trouble" Gloria said lighting some candles, as she and Alora sat at a table. "I didn't get undaggered just to do your dirty work" Alora said, frowning at her older brother. "shush sister and get on with it" Klaus said not taking her nonsense. "Klaus come here a second" Alora spoke up, waving at the hybrid to walk over to her. "what now-" the hybrid began as Alora suddenly grabbed his wrist, siphoning magic out of him. "no magic, no spell" Alora shrugged, now slightly giggling, as did the other three in the room. Klaus was no amused. "we need something to go off of" Gloria said, already tired of their presence. "Use me. I only wore it for 1000 years" Rebekah said, hopping of the counter and standing near the two witches, holding their hands. The two witches suddenly saw a vision.

~"The problem with my dads normal side of the family is that normal made for a really boring summer" A girl complained, sat at a kitchen counter with two other girls cooking. "After the last few days, I would kill for a normal family" a blonde girl responded. "since when did you learn how to cook?" the same girl questioned. "Damon helped a little" A name that sounded really familiar to Alora. "Damon helping you cook?"."both of you, stop judging. he's just trying to be-" the other girl responded, before she let out a scream. "ah!" she said grabbing at her neck. "did I splash you? the blonde girl asked, worry prominent in her voice. "no, no. my necklace!" she was grabbing at her necklace. The silver locked had left a burn mark where it had been placed around her neck.~

"I can sense something" Gloria said, her and Alora still seeing the vision.

~"maybe its a sign you shouldn't be wearing it" the blonde girl said "you know if you're going to be cooking without stefan" Stefan. Now Alora recognises that name for sure. "Let me see it" one of the girls asked, taking the necklace in her hands. The necklace suddenly blew up into sparks, dropping onto the kitchen counter. ~

"we found it" Gloria spoke, looking between Alora and Klaus. Stefan turning to look worried. "so where is it!" Rebekah asked eager to find her necklace. "it doesn't work like that doll, I see a girl with her friends" gloria said. "yes a dead girl with her dead friends" Rebekah replied getting more angry by the second. Alora wondered if it was Elena that she saw. "ill have to dive back in to get the details" Gloria said feeling surrounded. "So dive" Klaus spoke up, fed up of his sisters voice. "I need more time!" the witch answered, looking stressed. "ugh im bored and hungry" Alora said already so done with working for Klaus. "hey why don't we come back later, ill let you pick who we eat?" stefan said, attempting to convince Klaus to give gloria and Alora more time to work. "fine" Klaus answered. Alora stood up out of her chair ready to leave. "You're staying here, you need to help me with my magic" Gloria said as she pulled down the young heretic. "bloody hell! fine bring me back something!" she shouted at the trio, now exiting the bar.

~random warehouse in Chicago~

stefan and Klaus sunk their sharp teeth into a school girls neck, draining her dry of blood. "my girls dead, im bored! Rebekah complained with a frown. Klaus' head rose from the girls neck, turning to face stefan. "you weren't kidding about being hungry" he commented on the vampires pace of feeding. "its been a long day" Stefan said as his teeth unlatched from the girl, veins in his eyes suddenly disappearing. "try being related to her" the two men joked both turning to look at rebekah who was very displeased with their jokes. "you're being mean. And why are you being mean? you used to love me" Rebekah said referring to Stefan. "its been 90 years rebekah. give him a minute!" the two siblings bickered. "why are you taking his side? Rebekah grew annoyed. "because my dear sister, I feel pity for any man that loves you" Klaus laughed. "wait so how old are you again?" stefan asked wanting to stop them arguing. "im 17" rebekah answered, confused by the question. "what about Alora?" stefan responded. "she's also 17" Klaus spoke at the sound of his littlest sister. "wait so does that make you two..?" stefan trailed off. "twins? No. She was born 11 months after me." Rebekah stated filling stefan in on their family. "ohh anyway I need to go" stefan said, pushing his dead lunch off his lap and onto the floor. "where's he going?" rebekah asked Klaus. "to write a name on a wall, its a long story" Klaus said as he sunk his teeth back into his lunch.

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