"true element"

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Stefan got to his feet, his eyes dodging the doppelgängers doe eyes. "Look who's awake. Came to save your damsel mate?" Klaus questioned snarkily. "I came to ask for your forgiveness.." Stefan started. "...And pledge my loyalty." Alora couldn't help but laugh. "Stop! You've got to be joking!" she said in between catching her breathe. She stopped laughing when she realised the weird looks she was getting from the others in the room. Klaus returning his gaze back to Stefan, continued "You broke that promise once Stefan." "Elena means nothing to me anymore." Stefan stated, still dodging her glare. "Whatever you ask of me, I will do." 

A smirk grew on Klaus' face. Alora knew what he was about to do, giving him an eye roll. "lets drink on it!" Klaus said walking towards Elena. "Kill her." Elena's voice broke as she trembled back. "No! He's not going to hurt me. He already-" Klaus slapped her across the face, losing balance, she fell to the floor. Stefan vamp sped over, but got stopped before he could reach her. "she means nothing to you, huh? Your lies just keep piling up Stefan." Stefan looked down to find Alora helping Elena stand up. "Let her go! Ill do whatever you want. You have my word." Stefan said, causing Klaus to scoff. "Your word means nothing anymore." Klaus snarled. "I lived by your word all summer. I didn't want to resort to this."

Klaus grabbed Stefan by the shoulders. Their eyes interlocked. Silence filled the room. "Stop fighting it" Klaus said, compelling Stefan. "Don't do this. Don't do this." Stefan pleaded. "I didn't want to, but I need assurance that you are loyal to me. Now feed on her, Ripper." Klaus demanded. Stefan stumbled, trying to fight the compulsion. Eventually, he couldn't fight anymore. He sped towards the doppelgänger, sinking her teeth into her neck. 

"its always nice seeing a vampire in its true element. They're rather a broody bunch nowadays." Klaus said while smiling. "And you're not?" Alora asked, clearly bored of Klaus' games. "Someones not in a good mood. come on Alora, join in. Im sure Stefan won't mind sharing his meal." Klaus said, pushing Alora towards the ripper, who now had blood dripping down his chin." The younger sibling just walked off, rolling her eyes. 

Stefan released his grip on the now pale looking girl. Rebekah then entered the gymnasium. "Where is it? Where is my necklace?" She scowled. "What are you on about?" Klaus replied. Rebekah pointed at Elena. "Her. Where is it you bitch!" Klaus grabbed the phone off of of Rebekah. "I don't have it anymore!" Elena said. "You're lying!" Rebekah said, getting angrier by the second. "Knock it off! Just tell her where it is sweetheart." Klaus said walking over towards the doppelgänger. "Im telling the truth. Katherine stole it!" She replied. "well that's a shame. it would have made things a lot easier for you witch." Klaus said, almost seeming happy. Alora was getting fed up of him, so she decided to go see what bonnie was up to. 

~mystic falls high school pool~

Alora wondered around the school, trying to find the witch but really just look for any form of life other than her siblings. She made her way to the school pool, hearing someone shout from there. She saw bonnie shout towards the bottom of the pool, her seeing what seemed to be the blond boy she in the gymnasium. Alora leant against the wall watching as bonnie dove in, pulling the blond boy back to the surface. Proceeding to perform CPR on him. Bonnie looked up at Alora, looking like she was about to say something. "Never mind. You wouldn't help anyway." The young witch said, returning to doing CPR "Bold of you to assume I would help. Alora replied, walking over to the boy, who she now realised was called matt, and started chanting. "Vitam deducere, expergiscimini a mortuis." (translates to "bring the life back, awake from the dead.") Matt woke up with a gasp, coughing up water. "Haven't done that in while" Alora said, turning around to walk out. "Wait. How did you do that? You know its dangerous to perform resurection spells?" Bonnie asked.  Alora just shrugged, walking away. In reality, she could only perform such difficult spells due to her ring, which was the only thing she had left of the mother. 

As she was walking through the halls, suddenly the doppelgänger had run into her. "it isn't smart to run from Klaus. Repeating Katherines mistakes." Alora whispered. "Im not running from Klaus, Im running from Stefan." She replied. Alora could now see the hungry ripper rounding the corner, bumping into lockers. "Oh. That probably isn't smart either." The doppelgänger ignored her, continuing to run down the empty halls. 

Stefan whooshed past Alora, but before he could escape her sight, she focused a glare. The ripper dropped to his knees, holding his temple in pain. She walked over to him, siphoning him to make him weak.

In hind sight, this really didn't matter, as Klaus caught Elena, dragging her to the cafeteria, where he found stefan had stabbed himself in the stomach. Klaus ended up compelling stefan to turn his humanity off and feed on Elena. 

Alora joined her sister, who was with the werewolf. Klaus followed in not long after. "Well the verdicts in. The original witch says the doppelgänger should be dead." The hybrid said, holding a vile of blood. Rebekah claps, a smile growing on her face. "Does that mean we get to kill her?" She said. "No. Im fairly certain it means the opposite." Klaus replied. Alora was confused. "what?" She said. "Call it a hunch" He said. He hands the test tube to Tyler. "Elena's blood. Drink it." Tyler swallow it, disgust prominent on his face. The last drop is swallowed. Tyler falls on the floor, rolling in agony. His gums rip, fangs appearing from them. his eyes glowing yellow. 

Alora and Rebekah made their way back to the truck, hoping to get some rest and a break from Klaus' antics. 

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