"such a twat"

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After Alora and Rebekah had the chance to explore mystic falls, they had made their way to the high school where Klaus told them to meet him. "not the best at being subtle are you?" Alora joked as her and Rebekah walked over to the lorry parked behind the high school. "oh shut it" Klaus snarled back, eager to get on with his plan. "Why are we even here Nik? I thought we were looking for the doppelgänger?" Rebekah questioned with a sigh. "Well sister, the doppelgänger is right through those red doors." Klaus responded, pointing towards the door that led to the gymnasium. Stefan looked like he had given up. He sat on the edge of the lorry, his head in his hands. "I'll go through the front doors to find the doppelgänger and Rebekah, you go through the side door, clear out the school of students. We wouldn't want anyone caught in the crossfire now would we" Klaus said as a smirk formed on his face. "What can I do?" Alora questioned, not wanting to be left out. "You, little sister can stay here with Stefan, make sure he doesn't try to escape. I will text you when you can bring him in" Klaus said, leaving a frown on Alora's face. The two older siblings sped off into the school, leaving Alora alone to babysit stefan.

Stefan hadn't moved in a while. Still with his head in his hands, covering his face. The only sound he made was a quiet sigh that could be heard every so often. This actually gave Alora the time to properly look at stefan, since she hadn't had the chance with all the chaos happening. Her eyes quickly caught his hands. They were placed on his head, veins prominent as his fingers ran through his hair. His silky soft brown hair. Styled perfectly from the root to the tip. Her eyes traveled down, towards his torso. His shirt covered his abs but she already saw them when she saved him from Gloria. She giggled as she remembered the sight of his toned abs. Her eyes moved again, up to his face. His hands covered his mouth and eyes, which was a real shame for Alora as she could get lost in his forest green eyes. She tilted her head slightly, getting a view of his clenched jaw. His jaw-line was chiseled perfectly. She hadn't realised how good looking he was until then. She stared for a few seconds, only to realise he was staring back at her. She turned around quickly, feeling embarrassed that she had been caught. She heard a quiet chuckle from behind her. Before she had the chance to say something her pocket shone a bright white. A message on the phone Klaus gave her.  Alora panicked as she hadn't gotten used to modern day technology yet. She grabbed the device, trying to figure out what it said. Stefan saw her struggle so he walked over to her and took the device out of her hands. "here let me read it" he said as he began reading the text message.

[bring stefan to the gymnasium.]

"You need to take me to the gymnasium."  A panicked look forming Stefan's face, as he knew who he would have to see. "Oh simple enough." Alora said before snapping Stefan's neck, dragging him through the school into the gymnasium, where she saw Klaus and Rebekah standing with their backs to her. Klaus turned around at the sound of the doors opening and closing. "Ah finally. Everyone I would like you to meet my youngest sister, Alora." he said as she walked forward, still dragging stefan. "Word of warning, she can be quite mean." He said with a small chuckle. "Such a twat." Alora said through a cough. Klaus' smile dropped. As Klaus continued to blab on about how he ended up back in mystic falls, Alora took the chance to look at the others in the room. She recognised two of the girls from Gloria's visions. One of them being the doppelgänger Klaus was after. Two boys were also with them. One with blond hair the other with black hair, and lastly two people on the floor. One with their foot up off the ground. 

After Alora had went through everyone in the room and Klaus had finished explaining, he began to act out his plan. He dragged the black haired boy to the centre. "Now all the werewolves I have tried turning into hybrids have died during transition, quite horrible actually." Klaus said before biting his wrist and force feeding Tyler his blood, before snapping his neck. "I need you to find a way to save my hybrids bonnie. And for Tylers sake, do it fast. Now run along." Klaus said, a smirk present on his face. 

After bonnie, who was a witch from what Alora had gathered, and the blond boy had left the gymnasium, it was only the three siblings, the doppelgänger, stefan and the people on the floor left. Alora kind of felt sorry for the doppelgänger as Klaus and Rebekah had a grip on her like she was a piece of meat. "Take the werewolf elsewhere." Klaus commanded Rebekah, her quickly leaving, dragging the unconscious wolf behind her.

After a few minutes, Klaus eventually let go of the doppelgänger, who immediately rushed over to the people on the floor. Alora still didn't know their names. She decided that random people didn't need to suffer, so she let stefan fall to the ground and sat down next to Elena, preparing to help. "What's your names?" Alora asked as Elena looked at her shocked. "Dana and Dhad." The boy answered for both of them. "Ok chad I don't know what has happened but I want you to go home and forget about tonight" she said as she compelled him, repeating the same to Dana. The two quickly scurried off. "Really Alora? It was funny!" Klaus shouted at his youngest sister from the bleachers where he was sat. Alora rolled her eyes at him. The room was silent. Klaus sat across the room as Elena and Alora sat on the floor, not making eye contact. Although Elena kept looking back between Alora and the floor. "You know, Im not going to bite" Alora joked as she lifted her head up to face the doppelgänger. "Well you can't be too sure these days." Elena joked awkwardly. "sorry about your friend by the way." Alora said, referring to Tyler. "Uh yeah well wherever Klaus goes, pain and suffering follow. Elena said as she looked over to the evil hybrid. "And im sorry about your boyfriend" the heretic spoke as she lifted her head to look at Stefan. "He's not my- I mean- uh yeah I guess its okay." Elena replied. Just then, Stefan gained consciousness again, standing up as the three pairs of eyes turned to look at him.

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