"brothers little slave"

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Alora was hopeful that Klaus would be done in mystic falls and they would be able to leave. She did anticipate that Klaus would leave without her and Rebekah. She hadn't yet decided whether this was a good or bad thing, but before she could, rebekah had dragged her to a random mansion on the edge of mystic falls.

Rebekah had knocked on the door. Alora couldn't hear any heartbeats inside. It was most likely they were vampires. The door opened. "Where's Stefan?" Rebekah inquired. So this was Stefan's house? But it wasn't Stefan who opened the door? "Who the hell are you? The man at the door snapped. Rebekah ignored him, pushing past him into the house. Alora followed close behind. Stefan was sat on the couch, not amused to see the younger originals. "He left us here. He actually left us here!" Rebekah says. "Is anyone really surprised though?" Alora adds, earning a chuckle from the raven haired man. "You're tone implies Im actually supposed to care?" Stefan chuckles. "You're Klaus' sisters? The raven haired man asks, stepping in front of the girls. "Unfortunately, and who are you?" Alora asked. "Damon." He replied. "So where's our rooms then?" Rebekah asked, setting her bags on the floor. "You're not staying here." A smirk on Stefan's face as he said it. Rebekah looks around shocked. Damon just shrugging. "Rude. Both of you. We will see to it ourselves, then." Rebekah said before her and Alora walked towards the stairs. "So I guess they're staying here." The ripper added before continuing whatever he was doing. 

~the next day~

Rebekah is very keen to to be a student at mystic falls high school. For what reason? Alora has no idea, but joins her anyway as its either that or spend the day with Damon. 

As the school bell rung, Rebekah dragged Alora towards their next class. "AP AMERICAN HISTORY" the teacher wrote on the board. "Welcome back, seniors. Lets start of the year with our countries original founders... Native Americans." He said, placing the chalk down. "What about the vikings?" Rebekah asked, while her and Alora sat down. The supernaturals in the room turned to look at them. "Theres no evidence that vikings actually settled in the untied states. Who are you?" The teacher stuttered. "Im Rebekah. Im new, and History's my favourite subject." She replied, smiling up at him. Alora rolled her eyes. 

~after school on the football field~

History class? Not something Alora enjoys. But cheerleading practice? That is something she would enjoy. 

Her and Rebekah made their way towards the squad. "Got any openings? Im sure we would benefit this.." She trailed off, looking the group up and down. "What are you doing?" Caroline said, stepping forward. The original sisters ignored her, Starting to stretch. "Hey! You can't just come here and infiltrate all infiltrate lives." She added, hoping to get a response. "Im only interested in yours." Rebekah said smirking. "Rebekah be nice." Alora spoke up, while sliding down to the middle splits. 

Caroline walks away towards Tyler, giving Rebekah some room to show off. She proceeds to do a complex tumble routine, catching the eyes of both the boys and girls on the field. The cheerleaders clap as Rebekah makes her way back to the group. "Show off." Alora jokes as she hands Rebekah a water bottle, secretly filled with blood. 

~salvatore house~

High school wasn't as bad as Alora thought it would be. She was now digging through the Salvatores blood fridge in the basement, seeing that Stefan had raided it leaving her with all o+ type bags. "Ugh. Are you kidding me! Why did he have tp take all the good ones. Selfish much." She said, chucking down another bag of o+. Then she heard someone walking down the stairs, it was Rebekah. "Hey, you coming to the bonfire tonight?" She asked as she rounded the corner. "What bonfire?" She replied still digging through the fridge. "Its a party the students host to kick of the start of the year." Rebekah said leaning against the wall. "Oh great. A pace with more stoned geeky teenagers." Alora sighed, turning to look at her. "Please come. it will be our first party in the twenty first century. You know, you can get drunk, make out with a few boys." Rebekah said with a smirk. "Im sure you'd love that." Alora replied, rolling her eyes. "Look, just show up okay." Rebekah said walking away. "Im not promising anything!" Alora shouted to her sister. "Finally!" She had found an A+ blood bag. 

After she had finished her blood bag, She had decided to go to the party. She didn't really know what to wear, as she assumed it wasn't the same attire as the 1920's. She eventually decided on a black skirt with tights, paired with a navy oversized jumper. She based the outfit off of what she had seen on other teenagers , guessing the style of the decade. Although Rebekah didn't approve, saying she looked like a 'sad girl'. Even though Rebekah was dressed, in Alora's opinion, like she was going to a rave in New York. But never the less, she still looked nice. 

~at the bonfire party~

After a agonising car ride, in which she had to listen to Rebekah talk about her plan to steal Tyler Lockwood, the hybrid Klaus turned, from Caroline, while also crashing the car into street signs several times, they finally arrived.

After Alora lost Rebekah to some random group of guys, she decided she might as well enjoy the free beer. As she was trying to get beer, failing to work a keg, an all to familiar face walked over to her. "Didn't expect to see you here." Stefan said taking the cup from her hand. "Same goes to you." she said, leaning against the tree beside her. "Well, Im here to protect Elena." He replied. "Ah yes, My brothers little slave." She said taking the beer from him. He rolled his eyes at this. Elena then walked over to them, grabbing a full cup of beer. "What are you doing? said stefan. "Im having fun, Stefan. Have a problem with that?" Elena replied, chugging the beer. "Alright, take it easy. We both know you're kinda a lightweight." He said, with a chuckle. "Wait, I want to see if she can drink the whole thing." Alora said, stopping Stefan from grabbing the cup from her.  She finished the whole cup, before grabbing more. "You think Im gonna let a blood addict tell me how to drink." She said before walking away. "She told you." Alora said, making Stefan walk away in annoyance. 

The rest of the party was boring. She saw Rebekah flirting with Damon, but that wasn't really a shocker. And it wasn't at all what Rebekah said it would be. The beer was warm, and the boys were not at all like they were in the 1920's. Most of them drunkenly pushing themselves onto her, in which she shoved them to the ground. I guess this was the modern day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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