"welcome home"

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~random warehouse in Chicago~

Stefan and Alora walked back to the warehouse, looking for the other two originals. The warehouse was silent. Alora knew something was up. "i'm going to go look for them." she said as she sped off, leaving stefan alone by the coffins of the rest of the mikaelson family. "you're back." a familiar voice said, rounding the corner. "Rebekah." stefan said suddenly looking up. "dreary isn't it? Family cargo" she joked. Stefan nodded. "why don't you un-dagger them?" he asked looking back at the coffins. "Because he would hunt me down and kill me" Rebekah answered, no emotion present in her voice. "he's a vindictive little bastard my brother" she said walking closer to stefan. "but you still care about him? why?" Stefan responded. "well, I hated him for a long time. It was exhausting." Rebekah blatantly answered, sitting on top of one of the coffins. "you know when I met you two, you were both on the run" The younger vampire commented. "also exhausting" The original joked. "who were you running from?" he asked. "what do you mean?" Rebekah was starting to get worried at his questions. "the last night I saw you.." stefan started. "... there was a man looking for you, you all seemed afraid" he added. "I just wouldn't think Klaus would be afraid of anybody". Rebekah looked amused. "no one is this world is truly fearless stefan. Not even Niklaus. "who was that man?" stefan continued to ask. Rebekah had enough of the questions. "I can't. please" she said standing up. "if Niklaus knew we were talking about this he would-" Rebekah seemed paranoid. "no, no, no. Im sorry. just forget I asked. Okay? stefan told rebekah, not wanting her to get upset. "Nik told me about the girl you loved. The one that died. He also told me that you're only with him because he saved your brother" Rebekah told stefan. "that's true" stefan nodded his head. "I think he secretly admires that about you" rebekah added, a smirk growing on her face.

Stefan went to walk away, when Rebekah grabbed his arm and spun him around, pulling him in for a kiss. Stefan was shocked initally but soon embraced it, until Rebekah pulled away. "do you think you will love anyone like you loved that girl?" she asked, her forehead touching Stefan's. "one day, maybe." Stefan replied, but Rebekah's face suddenly turned sour. "I can always tell when you're lying stefan" she said. "what- im not" he said defending himself. "don't bother. your kiss already gave you away" Rebekah added.

Klaus and Alora entered the warehouse, finding the two quickly. "Glorias gone, we need to find a new witch immediately" Klaus said in a rage, only to notice Rebekahs glare at stefan. "what's wrong?" Alora asked, worry starting to set in. "He was asking about Mikael" the oldest sister told the others. "He's not with us Nik. I can sense it." Rebekah added. "She's wrong" Stefan told Klaus. Klaus was quick to snap his neck.

~back of a truck~

Stefan lay there for hours. Just flat out unconscious. Klaus eventually got inpatient so he decided to see if kicking stefan would wake him up. It worked surprisingly, making stefan sit up suddenly. Alora who was sat at the end of the lorry, jumped at his sudden movement. "just let me explain myself. Okay?" stefan told Klaus. "no need. i'm not mad, i'm just curious" Klaus explained. "Rebekah seems to think your holding onto something. A piece of your old life" Klaus added. "The thing is she's got flawless instincts" klaus explained. This made Alora laugh. "Especially when she calls you a bastard" Alora commented. "quiet Alora!" Klaus demanded. "as I was saying. I though I would check it out. See for myself what you've been hiding. Klaus said before standing up and slamming open the back of the lorry. Revealing none other than Mystic Falls town square. "Oh bloody hell!" Alora shouted, standing up to see what place she had been dragged to now. "Welcome home, Stefan" Klaus said with a chuckle. 

Forbidden love - Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now