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The next day is Patrick's day off. He doesn't get many so he decides not to spend it laying around at home in his underwear all day. There's a small coffee shop not too far from his home so he walks the few blocks to the store, gets his regular drink and finds a seat by the window like he usually does whenever he takes the time to come here. It's almost noon and more people are beginning to file in but not a whole lot, most of them taking their things to go. Patrick is sipping on his coffee as he scrolls through his phone then decides to play Candy Crush, making sure to turn the volume down.

"That game's gonna take over your life one of these days."

Patrick pauses everything, drinking, the game, his breathing. He knows that voice, the way the man talks is unmistakable. He looks up, eyes wide, at the man standing over him with his own coffee clutched in his grip and a smirk on his lips.

Patrick dares to speak. "What?"

Wentz smirks even wider, turning into a devilish grin. He recognizes Patrick's voice from when he was at the lineup last night. "Mr. Fed."

Fuck, Patrick forgot this guy had some weird liking to his voice.

"Mind if I sit here?"

Yeah, kind of, Patrick thinks but it doesn't matter because Wentz is already taking a seat in the chair across from him.

"You and your friend didn't get locked up, I see." Patrick comments.

"Connections." Wentz says simply. "Y'know, now that I see your face it fits with your voice perfectly."

"Whatever, Wentz." Patrick sips his drink.

"I like when you say my name," He grins. "But I'd like it even better if you called me Pete."

Patrick looks back down at his phone, the unfinished game still paused. He locks his phone and sticks it in his pocket, refusing to respond.

"Not gonna provide a name, huh? Fine, I'll just call you..." Pete taps his chin in thought. "Red."

Patrick can't help but question the nickname. "Red?"

"'Cause of your hair."

"I wouldn't consider it to be red."

Pete shrugs. "Looks red to me. And also 'cause of that other thing you do."

"What other thing?"

Pete sets his drink down on the window sill then leans forward, resting his elbows on the table. He reaches a hand out and cups Patrick's face, gently swiping his thumb over his cheek. Patrick gives him a strange look as Pete's face becomes serious.

"Anybody ever tell you how beautiful you are?" He says in a low, seductive voice. "'Cause, Red, you're fuckin' stunning."

Patrick's eyebrows shoot up to his hairline, he really wasn't expecting anything like this to happen today. When his cheeks flush red, Pete cracks a smile then starts to chuckle which turns into a full laughs as he extracts his hand and leans back in his seat.

"That other thing. I didn't think it'd work, but man, you blushin' is my new most favorite thing in the world."

Patrick purses his lips, sighing deeply in irritation, then gets up from his seat.

"Aw, don't leave." Pete's still laughing as he speaks and Patrick begins to walk away. "Okay, okay fine. You can go, I'm sure I'll see you again. Nice talkin' to ya, Red." He calls out as Patrick dumps his empty cup in the trash and exits the shop.

Pete continues to chuckle to himself as he grabs his cup from the window sill and finishes the rest of his drink. "Yeah, I'll see ya real soon." He confirms to himself, then goes to leave.


Patrick returns home after his little encounter with Pete. The cocky bastard was already working on Patrick's nerves and he barely knows the guy. Maybe it won't be so difficult to bring down him and his gang. Pete is like a brick at the bottom of a tower, knock him loose and everything else will collapse soon after. He just has to find out a way to take him out without any major consequences on his part. Patrick's going to love watching Pete fall.

"Hey, back so soon?" Brendon asks curiously just as Patrick steps inside. "I thought you were at the coffee shop."

"I was but someone came in and ruined it." Patrick sighs while explaining.

"Who? Colleagues?"

"Yeah." Patrick lies, not wanting to go onto any details about pete.

Brendon smiles brightly and pecks Patrick on the cheek, heading off toward the kitchen. "Well, I made us lunch so hopefully it'll brighten your day a little."

Patrick smiles at his boyfriend as he stands over the counter to retrieve plates from the cabinet overhead. He's glad there's something he can look forward to during the rest of his day off.

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