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"You still never told me why you brought me down here." Patrick says as he watches Pete dig through a closet full of...something. Patrick had no idea what was in it.

"You'll see in a minute, Red." Pete answers, still rummaging. "Just give me a sec."

Patrick plops down into the cushioned chair by the wall, waiting for Pete to finally explain what he's doing there.

He waits, and waits, and waits for about ten minutes before Pete finally finds what he's looking for. It felt much longer though.

"Ah, here it is!" Pete pulls out what looks like a dusty acoustic guitar case. "Joe hid this bastard pretty well."

"A guitar? You dragged me down here for a guitar?" Patrick says as he gets up from his seat.

"Just come here."

Patrick walks over to where Pete is setting the guitar case on the floor.

"It's my dad's." Pete says. "It was kinda like his good luck charm. He first showed it to me when I was eight and told me it would be mine some day." He wipes some dust off of the case then unlatches it. "And here it is."

He opens the case and reaveals, not a guitar, but an all black 1920's tommygun. Patrick had to admit that it was kind of clever to put it in a guitar case, simple yet deceiving. Even Patrick was fooled. But why was Pete showing him this?

"The old Chicago Typewriter." Pete chuckled.

"Why are you showing me this?"

Pete picks up the gun then attaches the circular magazine clip, loading the weapon.

"'Cause I need you to do me a favor."


Joe, Gabe, and Andy were all in a laundromat. Why? Because Andy was a normal person who had to wash clothes and Joe simply wanted to accompany him. They're not really sure why Gabe is there but he is.

Gabe sits on one of the folding tables while Joe sits inside one of the laundry carts.

"You know, I can wash clothes without a couple of wiseguys watching me." Andy says as he tosses clothes into one of the washers.

"Well, neither of us had anything better to do," Joe says. "And I really didn't want to watch Pete fuck Patrick with his eyes anymore."

"Really, amigo?" Gabe rolls his eyes. "You do that to Andy constantly. Almost makes me wanna puke."

"I think they're kind of cute." Andy adds.

"Sure, in a pervy kind of way."

"You're implyin' that Pete's the perv?" Joe asks.

"Eh, they're both kinda pervy if ya ask me."

Joe is just about say how Gabe also fits into that category when his phone rings. He squirms around in the laundry cart, trying to get his phone from his pocket. He answers on the third ring.


"Joe, it's Pete."

"Somethin' wrong?"

"No, I actually need to talk to Andy."

"You need to- why? What for?"

"I just need to talk to him."


"Just put him on the fuckin' phone."

Joe mutters something under his breath before handing the phone over to Andy who looks at it confusedly before taking it.

"Hello?" He says warily. "Yeah...I mean, I guess I could...okay...sure...bye." Andy hangs up then tosses the phone back to Joe.

"Well, don't leave us in the dark. What'd he say?" Gabe asks, swinging his legs a little.

"He told me not to tell."

Joe and Gabe both groan loudly, almost simultaneously. But they know that if Pete ever tells someone to keep quiet then he has a plan brewing.

A/N: sorry for the crappy filler, I've been super busy lately and I didn't have any WiFi. But it'll make much more sense later, promise :3 ❤

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