•What to do with Josh•

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Pete had woken with a start the next morning. Not because he had a nightmare, or was awoken by a sudden loud noise, but because he forgot about something. Something potentially important but he couldn't remember exactly what it was. He pondered over it as he got out of bed, the shower was running but he wasn't sure who- oh right Patrick was still there. Using his shower. But Pete was too distracted to focus on that right now. He left his bedroom wearing flannel pajama bottoms and a plain white shirt.

Did he leave the stove on? No, Pete didn't even cook. House repairs from the shooting? Well kind of, but he didn't forget he just didn't feel like doing it yet. What the hell did he forget about? He couldn't think of it.

He went down the stairs and straight to the kitchen where William was eating a bowl of cereal. Pete searched the fridge for something edible and found some leftover pasta. Who made the pasta, Pete will never know. But it was there and didn't require much effort.

He prepares a plate and puts it in the microwave, leaning against the counter as his food cooks. He glances at William then at the magazine he's reading with the hand unoccupied by a spoon.

"Pete?" William says without looking away from the pages.


"Quick question. Why is the fed here?"

"I uh... need him for somethin'." Which wasn't a total lie, Pete did need Patrick... for several things.

William sets the magazine down beside his bowl of cereal, giving Pete an unimpressed look. "Seriously, Pete?"

"Yeah, seriously." Was it so hard to believe that?

Just then the microwave dings and Pete quickly removed his plate and went into the living room so he won't have to keep talking to William. But he stops dead in his tracks when he sees Joe on the couch (which is nothing new) with Andy from the tattoo shop laying on his chest, both men still asleep. Pete wasn't shocked or anything, it was just unexpected. He hasn't even properly met Andy yet and he's sleeping in Pete's house.

Pete ignores them though and reluctantly goes back into the kitchen with William, who has emptied his bowl and was now only reading the magazine. He stays quiet, which Pete is thankful for, then Pete sits at the table and begins to eat his pasta.

He still couldn't get that thing off his mind, the thing he forgot. But he couldn't remember what that thing was. There's not a whole lot that Pete forgets to do actually, he usually keeps up with everything but this was really bugging the shit out of him.

"Hola, boss man!" Gabe shouts, entering the kitchen. "Everything go okay with what's-his-name?"

Pete looked up from his plate. "Who?"

"The guy you tied up last night."

Then Pete's mind clicks. Ohh, so that's the thing I forgot.

"Oh shit." He calmly gets up from his seat and heads to the basement, leaving his plate of pasta behind that eventually gets eaten by Gabe.

Pete reaches the bottom of the stairs and goes to open the closet door where he accidentally left Josh last night. Don't blame him, Patrick is very distracting okay. But that closet doesn't get very good air flow so Pete isn't surprised to see that Josh had passed out from lack of oxygen, or just simply fell sleep. It doesn't matter, at least he's not dead.

Pete stares at Josh for a moment, pondering over what to do with him. His plan was to just drop him off in the middle of nowhere, which could still be put into action, but that'd be better if they lived somewhere secluded. Like a desert. So he tried to think of something else.

Upstairs, Patrick was finishing up his shower, stepping out and wrapping a towel around himself. He went into the room and saw that pete wasn't there so he took the opportunity to steal some of his clothes.

The only things that fit were a few pairs of pants and some of the hoodies, so that's what Patrick went with. He pulled on a pair of black jeans and a grey hoodie, zipping it all the way up to cover his naked torso.

He ventured out of the room and down the stairs, the open basement door catching his attention first. He peeks inside and sees nothing but a distant light so he guessed someone might be down there.

"Hello?" He calls out as he cautiously descended the stairs. No one answered so he kept going to the bottom of the staircase and found Pete standing over his unconscious victim. "What are you doing?"

Pete doesn't look away from the man. "Thinkin' of what to do with this guy." Then he realizes that was Patrick he just spoke to and turned to face him, grinning widely. "Mornin', Patty. Are you wearin' my clothes?"

"Yeah, I am. I didn't have any of my own here. You don't mind, do you?"

"Not at all, Princess, you look good in my clothes." Patrick blushes a little at Pete's words. Pete bites his lip at the sight. "Wanna help me get rid of this guy?"

"Not really, no."

"He's not dead, just help me get him outta here. Please?"

The word 'please' coming from Pete's mouth was going to make Patrick agree to things he'd never do in a million years.

"Fine," Patrick goes to stand beside Pete. "What did you have in mind?"

Pete shrugs. "Maybe drop him off on Blurryface's doorstep like a baby in a basket."

Patrick thinks a bit then shakes his head. "No, drop him off in a dumpster instead. Like trash."

"I like the way you think, Red." Pete reaches over and grabs a roll of tape.

"Do you always use duct tape for stuff like this?"

"Can't go wrong with duct tape."

A/N: yup, filler chapter. Sorry. But so much stuff is approaching!

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