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It's nine a.m., the sun is streaming in through the blinds and straight into Pete's eyes, burning his retinas. He screws his eyes shut and rolls away from the window, trying to go back to sleep...only to be interrupted by a very loud, very annoyed, "Pete, go answer the fuckin' door!" shouted by a severely groggy Travis McCoy. Pete didn't even know someone was knocking.

Pete groans like a six year old and shouts back, "Why don't you fuckin' answer it?!" It's too early for this shit.

"'Cause this is your house, dumbass!"

Oh right, it is Pete's house. But he's the boss now and Travie works for him, he should do what he says. Actually no, Pete's not the boss type. He's been friends with all of his dad's 'henchmen' since he was a kid and became even closer with their children; hence Joe, Travis, William (aka Bill), all those peeps.

Pete throws the blankets aside and reluctantly gets out of bed wearing nothing but Batman pajama bottoms, stomping down the stairs and taking a shortcut through the living room. He passes by a sleeping Joe who's unconscious on the couch, then finally makes it to the door as the visitor knocks again.

"Alright, alright. Keep your damn panties on." He grumbles, unlocking and pulling the door open.

The man on the other side sighs and doesn't even pretend he's not rolling his eyes.

"Morning, Wentz."

Pete grins. "Well mornin' to you, too, princess."

"Princess?" Patrick questions.

Pete shrugs and leans against the door frame, ignoring the fed's previous statement. "What brings you by, Mr. Fed?"

Patrick steps aside and reveals three squad cars parked by the curb and a group of investigators behind him. Then he holds up a sheet of paper directly in Pete's face.

"We have a warrant to search the premises."

Eyes drifting across the paper in his face, Pete skims over the paper. It is indeed a search warrant. But it's no big deal, Pete has seen tons of these things, had his house searched a billion times, they never found anything. Well except that one time they found some weed in the freezer that Joe shared with Travie from time to time. But they got that cleared up and haven't had an issue since.

Pete smirks, knowing that his house is wiped clean. "Sure, Red. Search 'til your heart's content." He steps aside and allows Patrick to step inside along with the investigation team and a few other agents.

Joe is emerging from the living room just as Patrick and the team spread throughout the house, his features contorted into a face of confusion.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"They're tryin' to find the needle in the hay stack. Not gonna find it, though?"

"You sure?"

Pete nods. "As long as they don't find your shit again."

"Don't worry, I found a new hiding place."

"Then there's nothin' to worry about."

Just then Bill shows up, holding a plate of spaghetti in his hand and twirling his fork in the center of it with the other. He eats the forkfull of saucy noodles then looks between Joe and Pete, ready to speak with his mouth full. But he spots something behind them instead and nearly drops his plate, barely avoiding choking on his food.

"What the hell is he doing here?" He whispers harshly.

The other two men glance at each other then back to William, both confused.

"Who?" Joe asks.

"The fed."

"Seriously, there's like ten in here. Which one?" Pete asks this time.

William sighs and rolls his eyes, nodding his head in the direction of a suited man. "Him."

Pete and Joe look over and spot said man bent over to look behind the couch. Really Pete's just staring at the man's ass, which is fantastic, but it's not like he can recognize someone from just their rear end. Well not yet anyway. Then the man stands up straight and says something to an investigator before turning around.

"Ohhh," Pete smiles. "You mean Red. Wait, he's the fed?"

"Yes." Bill speaks in a 'duh' tone. "I think his name is Patrick or something. He's been watching us for a couple weeks now. You guys didn't tell him anything while in the tank did you?"

Joe shakes his head and Pete mutters, "Well, nothin' important." then he speaks for the others to hear, "I can keep him off our trail, no problem."

He repeats the name Patrick in his head over and over so he'll remember for later. But he likes all the nicknames better.

And of course, after all of the searching and tossing shit around, the investigators come up empty just as Pete knew they would. He smiles at Patrick as he and the team leave his home.

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