•Making war•

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"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Shutup and hold still!"

A/N: This chapter somehow got deleted and I 100% blame wattpad. But I'm sorry you couldn't read it so I'll give you a summary of what happened this chapter (since I can't remember exactly what I typed).

Okay, basically, Pete ties up Josh Dun because he wants info on Blurryface and beat it out of him with his trusty baseball bat. Josh tells him that Pete screwed up by killing the Way brothers and started a gang war because of it. And at the end of the chapter, Pete and Patrick make a deal: if Patrick helps Pete take out Blurry face then he'll give Patrick whatever he wants and Patrick said that he only wanted Pete, then they kiss on it. That's pretty much it, the main gist of the thing. Again, I'm really, really sorry you couldn't actually read it and my memory is trash. But hopefully this will make the next chapter make a little more sense for you.

Sorry (again)

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