No Less Than Strangers

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Writing is my passion, and I hope you guys continue reading my works (:

Bliss's POV:

I am a lesbian. I do not get attracted to guys. I kept repeating to myself. Ever since that encounter with Peter, my mind was out of control. It was pissing me off.

Friday was coming soon, real soon, today was Wednesday. I saw Peter on Sunday...

"Fuck!" I couldn't stop thinking about him. I was on break today, and I decided to go to a pizza place.

I sat down on a really uncomfortable wooden chair, eating a cheese pizza, when someone came behind me and gasped.

"Um, hi, I don't know if you remember me, but we bumped into each other the other day."

An unfamiliar male voice came from behind me and I turned around to face the same sexy face from Sunday.

Oh no..

"Peter, right?" I said politely, and he smiled when he realized I recognized him.

"Yeah, Bliss?" I blushed at the thought that he remembered me. But quickly brushed the thought aside.

Lesbian, lesbian, lesbian!

I shouted in my head, and he looked at me weird.

"Huh? Do I have pizza on my face or something?" I asked and he smirked, dusting off some lint on his plaid, black and blue flannel shirt. His dark, curly hair was out again, and I resisted the urge to touch it...

"No, no, you just seemed deep in thought or something like that." He grinned, and I looked away.

Yeah, I'm trying to remind myself of my morals and values dude.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked, and I retorted, "My thoughts are worth more than a penny," He smiled.

"Yes, I bet they are." He placed five dollars on the table between us, and smiled while closing his eyes.

"If you want more, I have more." He added, and my eyes widened.

"No, I don't want any of it I was kidding, I was just thinking about how lovely today's weather is. Not rainy and all." He nodded, obviously not believing me but not delving any further.

"That is true." He glanced outside the window, looking around the parking lot.

"Looking for someone?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"No, I'm just not supposed to be out in the open like this.


It was Friday, I got all of my equipment ready from the lights to the set and cameras. I was really a one man, well, one woman team. The makeup artists and stylists were all paid for by the client himself. I seriously wondered who that person would be.

I sat in the building we were shooting at, it was a paintball gun shooting range, and the set was required to be shot up with different colored paintballs. It was fine by me because it was fun, but kind of strange at the same time. The whole set was white with white chairs and benches, so when Kingsley and I shot the place up, everything looked... Creative.

We sat down on the carpeted floor next to the set and waited for the dude to come, eating banana nut muffins and drinking coffee. "So, how did that assignment go with the gay dude?" I asked, and Kingsley failed to stifle a laugh, almost having muffin come out of his noss.

"Ha! That was hilarious! The guy came outside after Myles came, disguised as a pizza boy, and completely confessed everything to him. He was all 'My boyfriend doesn't love me!' And shit. Myles almost didn't get the pictures."

I grinned from ear to ear, imagining a grown man confiding in Myles about his personal life. How funny!

As we talked some more, my phone rang, displaying Natasha's number.

"Martinéz here."

"The client is here, and damn! He is nine kinds of fine!"

"Send him up."

I hung up, blushing. She was so easily moved by appearances! Jeez.

I motioned for Kingsley to watch the door as I went to the back to get a few consent forms for the client to sign.

As I walked back into the room, Peter was standing next to a lady with an ID around her neck and some dude behind him.

"Um..." I stared at him until him and Kingsley stopped talking. He glanced over at me and then his face matched mine.

Total fucking shock.

Kingsley grinned,

"Dude, this is Bruno Mars!"


Yesssss Bruno Mars's real name is Peter Gene Hernandéz babes :D <3

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