Breakup Arch | 3

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Sykkuno decided he'd go back to Vegas. He regretted his decision on offering her a ride home, despite knowing she was drunk. But he had to get away. Nervous she would want to bring it up again and again. He wanted to be with her, every day she went out he wanted to be with her. All those shoots for 100T he went with her and met so many people because of her. All those times they went out together, just shopping or went out to eat. He couldn't keep his mind off of her, she was his favorite person.

Now it wasn't any different. He still thought about her every minute, despite trying to sidetrack himself. But he stayed focused on what he needed to do, he still needed his things, he couldn't go back without all he got in the several months he spent in LA.

Rae decided to go to the OTV house, trying to at least catch him before he left. She shot Imane a text saying she'll be over soon, to which Poki responded that they'll be out and just go through the garage. Rae said okay and proceeded to head over to the house.

What if he's there, what am I gonna do? What should I even say? No, he can't be there right? I'm just being paranoid.

She arrived at the house, and went through the garage like Poki said. She walked to his room, and found no one there. Feeling oddly relieved, she started going through his stuff, all the clothes they bought together, all the memories came flooding back. Until she spotted it, in the closet.

Is this his corpse hoodie? He hasn't worn it in months.

She took it off the hanger and put it on. She sniffed the sleeve and smelt his cologne. She closed her eyes and exhaled, What am I doing? I should at least write him something.

She walked over to his desk, where she saw a bunch of photos of them pulled up in a folder.

Aww Syk! She said, tearing up. She shook her head and remained focused, she grabbed a pen and a sticky note nearby and thought what to write.

"Thomas, I know that we've split apart, but I know that we will be united again one day. And I hope that's soon. You were always there for me and I hope that never changes. I miss you already and I know I will for however long we remain apart. I know you must be mad or sad or both, I am too at myself and I want to redo everything that happened and start over. If you see this just know, I love you and I miss you..."


She finished writing and left his room, leaving with his hoodie. One special reminder of him. She returned to her house with the hoodie on. She walked to her room and hung it up on the door near the closet.

Mika walked in after her, and laid down on her bed. She sat next to him and started petting him, "He's gone Mika." "But I'm not letting him be gone forever."

She kissed Mika's forehead and got up. Can I get him back? How much time will I even need?

She sat down in her chair and drowned in thought. But she clicked on the folder she had containing all their pictures. She started scrolling and scrolling till she saw one from a couple years back, a screenshot from the OTV Minecraft Server of them sitting next to each other.

It wasn't much. But it was enough to hit her hard.

God I miss those days.

The days before the infernal twins, the days where people shipped them together, the days where Toast would hint about third wheeling when it was just them together.

But those days are over. And she knew it, she shook her head and snapped out of the trance, and closed the folder.

She walked downstairs, grabbed a cup out of the cabinet, filled it up with water from the fridge and walked black up. She set it down on her nightstand and turned off the light.

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