Breakup Arch | 7

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"EEEEKKKK" She screamed. She was excited! She would get to see him after all this time! Miyoung bursts into the room.

"What's wrong, you okay?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine! Guess who I just got off the phone with..."



"Wait, actually! About time"

"I know right, we finally talked after all this time."

"Well... what did he say?"

"I was really nervous, he sort of nonchalantly called me out on stream. So I called him and he instantly picked up."

"What do you mean nonchalantly"

"Well I mean it was indirect, but he said 'I miss you' and 'hoping you're doing alright', and finally 'call me, been meaning to talk'." She said imitating him in a lower voice.

"You think they know who he's talking about?"

"Those people in chat can speculate all they want. They know."

"So what happened after that?"

"He asked if I was doing alright, I told him I missed him, then I brought up what happened. I said that I drank too much and he said how he should've not advanced. But we sort of joked about it all. He said we should've stayed there." Wait, you think he meant to sleep with him? She thought.

"Well that's good, I'm glad he gave you two some space, you both needed it."

"Then we FaceTimed. We just started comparing what we still had from each other." "That's when he said he wanted to come over."


"Guess he missed us."

"Right us..."

That last one was a big one. Def a shift in tone that will continue to change...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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