Security - Gareth x Gn!Reader

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Couldn't find the person who requested this but I hope it was worth the wait 💗👄💗

It was 3am on Sunday. Technically, you went to a party yesterday. Weird, it was only mere hours ago and yet it was a different day. The party was held at Steve Harrington's house. This party you had decided to crash with the members of the Hellfire club. Bad choice if you do say so yourself since you were drunk off your ass, and currently walking home with your best friend, Gareth. Gareth wasn't drunk, but he still didn't want to risk driving. So, he offered to walk you home.

You were grateful for Gareth, you met each other in middle school and have been friends ever since. He was assigned to show you around the school since you with a new kid. You got along quick when he found out that you play Dungeons and Dragons too. You joined hellfire club together and it became your second family. That is... Until you started catching feelings for Gareth. You didn't know if it was his ocean blue eyes or his curly brown hair that was soft and silky. Or maybe his charming smile and tall figure. Or maybe none of the above. Maybe it was his contagious laugh and his caring personality. Your thoughts were interrupted at the sight of a playground.

You gasped loudly, scaring Gareth. You sped-walked past him and he chased after you. "Y/n wait!" You had almost tripped twice before you got to your destination. "Where are you going?!" Gareth called to you. He followed you until he relaxed himself. He saw the playground and automatically understood your thoughts. This very playground was where you would be found when you were younger. It's been years since you've been to this place. Gareth smiled to himself, thinking of the memories that you made there. It faded when he looked up and saw you balancing on top on the monkey bars. "Y/n! How the hell- Why the hell- WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" You looked at the ground and you started to panic, your intoxication, you felt scared. "Gareth help! I'm up too high up!" Gareth shook his head. "How did you get even get like that?" He asked you. You shrugged and felt a wave of nausea hit you. You tilted a little too far and your feet slipped off of the monkey bars. "Gary!" You shouted. Gareth was quick to catch you before you got hurt. Gareth sighed as he helped you stand. "Jesus Y/n, you have to be more careful!" You pouted. "I'm sorry, Gary..." He sighed as he felt you shiver. "Are you cold?" You nodded. "A little."

He shrugged off his jacket and helped you put it on. You both walked over and sat on the swings, watching the sun begin to rise.

"Hey Gareth?" He turned to look at you from the other swing. "Yeah Y/n?" You bit your lip. "I have something I need to say. You might not want to hear it, but I need to get this off my chest." Gareth looked confused and intrigued. "I...I like you...a lot...and I don't mean just in a friend way...I have a crush on you, Gary..." Gareth expected some weird drunk thought, not a confession. Gareth blushed a bright red and smiled widely. It faded quickly when he thought about the situation, you were drunk. He feared you didn't mean it and stayed quiet. "I understand you don't feel the same way." Gareth looked to you.

"You are a pretty good prankster, but a joke like this is too far. I really like you, Y/n, but you can't play with my feelings when your drunk off your ass." He told you. "Who said I was drunk?" It's true. You weren't completely sober, but you weren't wasted anymore. Just a little tipsy. It hurt that he didn't believe you, but you got him to confess as well. Your feelings were reciprocated, and you had no complaints. "I meant what I said. The amount of alcohol I drink doesn't effect my feelings for you. This isn't a prank, this isn't a joke, I don't even just like you, Gareth. I love you." You two sat in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes until Gareth abruptly stood up and stop swinging. "Gary what- "Gareth grabbed the sleeve of his jacket and pulled you to his lips.

His lips were soft and sweet. Your kiss didn't last long, but that didn't mean you hated it. You had shared your first kiss with your best friend, and you enjoyed every minute of it. The kiss was broken because of the fact that humans need to breathe.

"That was- awesome." Gareth said with a cheesy smile and a blush on his cheeks. You giggled at his goofy grin. "I assume that means you like me back?" You asked. "Not like-" He softly kissed your lips once more.

"I love you, Y/n L/n."

Sorry if it's cliche and cheesy but I actually really like this one. I hope you did too!

- Cassie x Comic 💗👄💗

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