Broken Promises

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1 Day

It's been a day sense Mikage went to town. I hope he's alright. He's never usually out this long without me.

Shrine Visits - 47

2 Days

Mikage has been out for 2 days. I'll go looking for him if he's still not back by tomorrow. I don't want him getting lost or hurt.

Shrine Visits - 42

3 Days

I went looking for Mikage today but couldn't find him anywhere. No store owners saw him either. Where could he be?

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5 Days

Mikage still hasn't returned. I sent letters to other gods so maybe one of them has seen him. He mustve gone to one of their places for a visit. He'll be back soon

Shrine Visits - 40

2 Weeks

I've received letters from the other gods. None of them have seen Mikage. I'm getting worried, what if he's hurt?

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3 Weeks

Shrine visits have started to decline. I suppose I should start writing wishes down for when Mikage returns.

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4 Weeks

We've barely received any offerings today. Mikage must've gone to the city by foot if his return is taking so long. I suppose he could've gotten distracted. He'll be back soon.

Shrine Visits - 25

1 Month

It's been a month sense Mikages departure. We've received a whopping total of around 500 visits this month. I hope he comes back soon...

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2 Months

Shrine Visits have significantly dropped this month. I've recorded them all down for Master Mikage. I should go look for him again.

Shrine Visits - 4

4 Months

I've begun to worry if Master Mikage is coming back. I doubt he would abandon the shrine like that. Right..?

Shrine Visits - 9

5 Months

I went to the Other World today to see if any other Yokai have seen Master Mikage. No trace of him anywhere. Where has he gone?

Shrine Visits - 5

6 Months

I wonder if Master Mikage ever mentioned Amy displeasures while we stayed together. I suppose he was mad at me when I called humans weak but I don't think it bothered him much. But I suppose it might've.

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7 Months

The shrine was looking a little rundown so I ran to town to get some supplies to fix it up. How was I supposed to know I needed to pay for stuff?

Shrine Visits - 2

10 Months

It's been nearly a year sense Master Mikage left. I hope he returns soon. The shrine needs him.

Shrine Visits - 7

1 Year

I wonder if Master Mikage hates me. Maybe he just never liked me in the first place. But, why would he help me then? Did I do something to upset him?

Shrine Visits - 3

1,5 Years

The shrine spirits insist they saw Master Mikage in town today. I hope their right. I hope he comes home soon. I'm worried...
For the shrine ofc.

Shrine Visits - 8

2 Years

He's not coming back is he...
No. He is. He wouldn't just leave like that.

Shrine Visits - 7

3 Years

He would never abandon the shrine. He cages about it to much. He'll return soon.

Shrine Visits 4

4 Years

He's still not come home yet. The shrine barely gets visits anymore. Master Mikage, the shrine needs you.

Shrine Visits - 2

5 Years

The shrine needed to be fixed up again today. But I still can't afford very good supplies. Offerings are close to nothing

Shrine Visits - 0

8 Years

Where have you gone Master..
Please come back...

Shrine Visits - 10

11 Years

The shrine needs you..
I need you..

Shrine Visits - 5

12 Years

What did I do wrong Master...
Why did you leave me...
You said you'd always be here for me...
You promised...

Shrine Visits - 1

13 Years

Master Mikage isn't coming back is he...

Shrine Visits - 6

15 Years

The shrine never felt this empty with Master here...
I miss him...

Shrine Visits - 8

17 Years

He left me.
He left the shrine.
He left his spirits.
He left his people.
He's never coming back.

Shrine Visits - 9

18 Years

I dont know why I'm still writing these. Why am I still here
Why am I still waiting
Why can't I just let go
He abandoned me
He broke his promise
I'm free

Shrine Visits - 5

19 Years

It's been nearly 2 decades sense you left Master.
How have you been..

Shrine Visits - 4

20 Years

Our land God has returned.
But it's not Master Mikage.
It's a little human girl.
She must still be in school.
She's just a child.
How could he leave us like this.
And then send us a weak human.
She has the landgod sign.
And his power signature is on her.
But she'll never be him.
She will never be my Master.
She can't.
She will never care for me like he did.
How he could he do this.
I just want my master back.
I miss him so much.
I can't believe I waitednaround for him for two decades.
I'm leaving.
I can't even look at the new girl without wishing it was him.
I wish I could hate him for leaving me.
But I just want him back.
I need him.
I'll never survive on my own.
But I have to.
I've done it before.
I don't care anymore.
He left,
So can I.

Shrine Visits -

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