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Nanami could not stop giggling and it was making Tomoe even more frustrated.
"It's not even that cute." he huffed out with a pout.
"It's adorable!" Nanami squealed as she reached out close to Tomoe's ears and when her hand came close to the tips felt them twitch underneath her fingertips.
"I hate you so much right now."
"Your tail says otherwise~"
"Stop looking at my tail!"
A frustrated Tomoe quickly grabbed his tail and hugged it to his chest to stop it from beating agaings the floor. The worst part of being a teenage girls familiar is she finds you absolutely adorable.
"I am not a creature to be messed with," Tomoe stated matter-of-factly. "I was a wild fox at one point and being a familiar does not change the fact I can kill you!"
"But you won't"
God he hated how well she knew him. And it was getting very difficult to stop his tail from wagging as she gently scratched the base of his ears. Why must she know exactly where to pet him!
Every bit the highschooler she was, Nanami was freaking out over her newfound discovery. Tomoe looked like he couldve gone his whole life without her finding out but she was grinning from ear to ear.
"I've always known Fox's are part of the dog family but I'd had no idea fox yokai would react to pets like one"
"D-do not compare me to those vile creatures!"
"Aweeeeee your so red Tomoe~"
"Am not!"
"Are to~, I think you like being pet"
"Then should I stop?"
"That's what I thought"
Nanami continued to play with his ears and hair while watching him struggle to hold his wagging tail. She would definitely be using this against him in the future.

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