Challenge from another world

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Miraculous x Genshin crossover

Or Lumine and Paimon was challenge to exposed the greatest liar, Lila Rossi.

Author's note (kind of important): Omg, I'm back? Anyways, I've been re-reading old miraculous fanfics that I love, especially the exposing Lila one. Suddenly, an idea struck me. How about I do a little crossover episode between mlb and Genshin? I've been playing it a lot since January and I love it so much. I'm on eu server so if anyone wants to play together, dm me for my UID. Ehe~ Another thing is that I haven't watched the show in sometime. I stopped in the middle of season 4 so I haven't been fed new information on what else Lila did. I hope you don't mind me repeating old stuff again and thank you so much to the people who've been reading and waiting for me to write more, I hope I won't disappoint you with this one!


"Lumine! We have a new quest!" A certain floating girl yelled in excitement. She spun around a young blonde haired girl while she giggles.

"Yes Paimon, I wonder what it will be!" Lumine smiles while looking through her quests and cringe when she saw the amount of her unfinished quests along the list.

"Okay..." She sigh. "let's see here: Talk to Ruòxī in Guili Plains.... I have a feeling it might be another blue door quest."

"Ew! Blue door! Paimon hates one of those. You'll never know what you'll face!"

"I hope this one will be good at least." The blonde girl sigh again. "I can't believe this all started because I want to find Aether."

"Cheer up, we'll find your brother! Paimon promised! That's why Paimon is by your side!" The little girl giggled as the bigger girl patted her head.

"Thank you, Paimon. You are the best. Now, let's go! As soon as we finished this, the better!"

Then using the near by teleport waypoint, they teleported to their destination hoping to get their quest done early.

Arrived at their destination, they saw a young black haired girl. Next to her, is a well known blue door, it's silver accent shimmer in the sunlight. Lumine and Paimon greeted her with a smile.

"You must be Ruòxī."

"And you must be the famous traveler and Paimon! It's very nice to meet you! I'm glad you got my commission."

"Yes... commission... I hope it's nothing too bad." Lumine tried not to frown.

"I understand that you might be worried but do not be scared. My commission is quite simple, actually. I do not want to lie to you.. however, it's more of an entertainment.. to me. Hehe." Ruòxī smiled sheepishly, holding on to her thumbs.

"Alright.. as long as there's not any fighting." Lumine rubbed her forehead.

"There won't be at all. Alright, when you are ready, please stepped in. You'll get your tutorial once you're in there."

"Alright, we'll see you later, Ruòxī."

"Bye-bye, Ruòxī!"

Once again, the traveler and her trusty companion walked through the portal. For the third time in ten minutes, Lumine sigh as the white light blinded her.


"Where are we? Paimon feels so dizzy!" The floating creature wines.

"This place look so weird!"

Lumine opened her eyes carefully, afraid of the blinding light. Again, she sigh as she looked around the place. In her view, they're in a big building with big and wide open space, two flight of stairs that leads to another level.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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