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Sometimes I wonder when
When will my life take a turn for the better?
When will I be happy?
When will I get help for my issues?

Sometimes I wonder if it ever will.
Will my life ever take a turn for the better?
Will I ever be happy?
Will I ever get help for my issues?
Will I live past graduation?

I didn't think I'd make it to high school
But here I am
Genuinely wondering If I'd make it to college too
Or die trying

I will never get help
Even if the help isn't for depression
It's still help that will increase my quality of life
But it will never happen.
Her denial will be my downfall

Deep down I know
That him and I won't work
We are both hurting
And we will hurt each other because of it.
We love each other so much
Our love will be our downfall

I won't survive
Living is getting difficult
I am so tired of existing
I'm tired of waking up to the same thing
Why doesn't anyone notice?
Their cluelessness will be my downfall

The future I dream of is looking far away
I don't think I'll make the hike
I'll probably fall off a cliff on the way up
That will be my downfall

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