iii. malicious melanin

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They say that appearances don't matter
That your heart is the window to your soul
But fairness creams and bleaching soaps
Are all I'm being sold

My innate brownness is a God given curse
The beauty of my ancestors torn away
I must be as pure and white as our colonizers
Their ideals here to stay

I wish I could say that I didn't care
That these narrow beauty standards didn't affect me
Even though they're extremely unfair
But not comparing yourself is rare

Sometimes I catch myself looking in the mirror
Wishing I was a little purer, fairer, clearer
Not dyed the same color as earthy soil

But then I remember
That my melanin is not out to hurt me
Society has turned a gift into a curse
My skin will survive the harsh rays of the sun
While yours peels and burns.

querencia ~ poetryWhere stories live. Discover now