x. an ode to tiger moms

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My mother's love was unflinching in the face of adversity
Less sweet nothings and more hard knocks
Pushing my spine straight before I could even walk

She was rigid when it came to my frustrations
Telling me that being upset equated to being the victim
And that the taunts would only upset me if I let them
But I was relieved when I saw her
Talking to the Principal behind my back

She pushed me to learn everything I could get my hands on
Getting ahead before getting to the next grade
Working out Algebra after doing my fractions homework
Reading at a college level while I was in fourth grade
Expanding my mind beyond the rigid confines of common core.

She showed her love through little gestures
Stocking up the fridge with pomegranate seeds
Letting me borrow her antique jhumkas for a family event
Tattooing deep red patterns on my hands
As the Diwali firecrackers thundered outside

Sometimes I caught a glimpse beneath the iron veneer
That the still waters in her mind were dark, not clear
I saw the hurt and the pain and the abuse
All the times she'd been abandoned and confused.

My mother is akin to a tiger
Breaking the hands that touch the kids
Despite the wounds hurting her
Some say that she's too strict, surroundings too near
But without her, I wouldn't be standing here.

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