Heartstrings of sicknesses

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Lan Xichen awoke from his slumber, he quickly took his blanket and once he did he felt the cold atmosphere cradle around his body. He was sick, extremely sick like to the point of vomiting. Lan Xichen needed someone to hold him to take care of him and maybe even do his work due to he's to sick for that. He thought about Lan Wangji, his uncle Lan Qiren and even A-yao, Lan Xichen inner thoughts rushed in once he thought about 'him' 'no no he betrayed you he killed many loved ones of others, besides he was dead.' Another person came to mind his A-Cheng, yes his they were basically each other's now. It was truly beautiful to think about Jiang Cheng, his smile his eyes his personality he loved every bit even sides that only he would see. He decided he would send a letter across so he began to write. 'Dear Jiang Wanyin, I'm not feeling the best and maybe you could comfort me by coming over please just be with me. I love you so much. -Your lover, Lan Xichen.' He was happy with that so he sent it all the way over to the Jiang Clan of Yunmeng.

The letter went to Jiang Cheng's room he quickly snatched it up once he saw it he didn't  know who it was from so he just decided to read it while he can, he began to open it greeted with his face turning as read as a peach he felt sadnesses though Lan Xichen was sick but he still had work so he had to start working at a fast rate. He started doing his work extremely fast, and once it's qualified to be afternoon he finished(started at late lunch) he packed up some medicine in a bag and began travelling. He finally arrived to the Lan clan and went rushing to Lan Xichen's Hanshi, be opened the door and went straight to Lan Xichen's bed and fell next to him, Lan Xichen was asleep Jiang Cheng didn't  know what to do but he hopped into bed with him and cuddled up to him his body was very warm it felt nice but it wouldn't be for Lan Xichen.  Jiang Cheng soon fell asleep in the arms of Lan Xichen. A strong breeze came upon the hanshi which awoke Lan Xichen, his eyes flickered for a moment yet soon opened them properly, he felt someone near so he simply look down to see Jiang Cheng cuddled up to Lan Xichen maybe Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji have something in common heh. (referring to Lan Wangji likes being near Wei Wuxian's heart and so does Jiang Cheng *HEADCANON*) Lan Xichen brushed Jiang Cheng's hair with his hand and looked at him with such grace. Yet he awoke Jiang Cheng by accident.

"*yawning(im not sure how I could make the sounds so uh yea)* eh, oh A-Huan, good morning" Jiang Cheng was still sleepy so he muttered a bit

"Ehe silly A-Cheng it's not morning it's nearly dark" Lan Xichen was so calm even when sick it's quite odd if you think about it.

Jiang Cheng got up and kissed Lan Xichens forehead and left to go make Lan Xichen some tea, although Jiang Cheng wasn't sure what tea Lan Xichen liked so he checked every box to see what was most used to try and figure it out, two teas were most used green tea and peppermint he assumed that Lan Xichen used both green and peppermint so that's what he did. Jiang Cheng but some water into a kettle that was on a stove and turned the heat up. He got a glass and put the tea bags in and went back to Lan Xichen waiting for the water to be ready to pour. 

"A-Huan I brought you some medicine" and Jiang Cheng lifted the bag of medicine "will you have that in your tea? Since it's dissolvable and you drink it with some sort of liquid" 

"Yes, I shall but first can I kiss? Just one will be fine but I would rather a million" Lan Xichen would definitely try to smooth talk Jiang Cheng into kissing him yet as they were both about to kiss the kettle started whistling.

"Ah I'll get that" 

Poor Lan Xichen missed a kiss from his beloved, indeed he felt a bit sad and just needed that kettle to shut up. Yet Jiang Cheng came stumbling back with the tea in hand, he kneeled down and put the medicine into the tea, and got Lan Xichen to get up a bit so he could drink the tea. Jiang Cheng blowed on the tea for a bit before handing it over.

"Be careful it's still hot" Jiang Cheng slowly warned Lan Xichen

"Not as hot as you~Heheh" Lan Xichen replied leaving Jiang Cheng to be red as a peach.

"Shut up!" Jiang Cheng quickly said.

Lan Xichen took a sip and then kissed Jiang Cheng, Lan Xichen moved the tea out of the way and invited Jiang Cheng onto the bed and started kissing him to the neck down. They really did love each other. Their kisses filled the air both enjoying the moment before it ended surprisingly Jiang Cheng carried the kiss, being ontop of Lan Xichen yet of course it wouldn't last long knowing Lan Xichen. It was a kissing mess.

"No, no more! You'll get me sick to if you keep kissing me, then who will care for you." Jiang Cheng stopped the kiss

"Ehe A-Cheng I love you~"

"Be quiet Lan Huan!" and Jiang Cheng quickly took the tea and started making Lan Xichen drink it. "... I love you too" Jiang Cheng muttered out.

"Hm? Didn't  hear you, say it again"

"You did hear me you just want me to say it again." 

"Ehe of course now please~ say it again"

"I love you too!"

Words: 975

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