Xicheng headcanons

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Both of them have dreams were they leave each other and when they wake up they just cuddle and be sad together-healing each other with love.

Jiang Cheng has a habit of biting his nails so Lan Xichen always has to file them down so they don't have random bumps on them.

Lan Xichen snores(only softly) and Jiang Cheng doesn't make a noise.

Jiang Cheng is quite clingy and hangs off of Lan Xichen when theyre in bed, sitting down etc.

They both have a thing for biting each other(hickeys) yet Jiang Cheng doesn't really get the chance.

Sometimes they randomly kiss no matter what they do if they're in public they might do a little kissy.

Jiang Cheng pouts a lot not that he means to do it, it just happens Lan Xichen always has noticed it and he thinks it makes Jiang Cheng even more unique.

Lan Xichen paints he loves doing it(in the novels it says he paints) and sometimes he uses Jiang Cheng as a model, he got so many paintings of Jiang Cheng and he cherishes all of them.

Jiang Cheng always tries to get Lan Xichen to try spicy food but whenever he tries his mouth starts burning up really fast and his cheeks go bright red, Jiang Cheng still eats spicy noodles(or something of the sorts) yet he takes the spice out of Lan Xichens and just gives himself extra.(from Lan Xichens) 

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