Chapter Two

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Bridger's POV

I follow closely behind Arron while he goes on and on about his mother's recent complaints. I want to tell him to shut up because it's all he ever talks about but I know if as so much as look irritated at his blabbering then he'll throw a royal tantrum and force me to do something unnecessary and tedious as punishment. And one may ask: what could his mother possibly be complaining about that ruffles his feathers so badly? The answer: a mate.

She complains about him being mateless. Dont get me wrong, not having a mate sucks. I, too, get jealous of the mates running about in this pack, but I dont constantly complain about it. It's just the way life goes and sometimes Goddess doesn't even bless us with a mate. But ever since Arron became alpha, she's been pressuring him to find his mate, scared that her alpha son wouldn't be able to have alpha babies. It's the same thing over and over again. Yet, Arron complains about his mother's complaints day in and day out. I can practically recite verbatim everything he's saying because he's said it before.

"Brigder, are you listening to me?" Arron suddenly asks, pulling me out of my thoughts. I raise my eyebrows and nod but he doesn't buy it.

"Come on, Bridger. Do I annoy you or something?" Arron asks. He knows the answer, but then again, he's such a narcissist that maybe he actually thinks I care about his personal problems.

Arron and I have known each other since childhood. My dad was his dad's beta and when I was born, one year after Arron, he made sure that we stayed close. If we became friends, choosing a Beta wouldn't be as difficult. My father wanted nothing more than for me to be Beta. I always wanted to tell him that just because I was born to a beta didn't mean I was destined to be one. However, I trained with Arron since childhood and we became friends which lead Arron to choose me as his beta during his coronation.

But I can't stand him. I know I must seem fake. One might call me a snake or a traitor, but I seriously can not stand the alpha. His pompous personality makes me sick, his constant complaining makes me want to rip my ears off, and his narcissism makes me want to glue his mouth shut. The only reason I agreed to be his beta is because my father would be heartbroken had I not. Not to mention, all that gruelly training would have been for nothing. It consumed my childhood and barely allowed me to make any other friends in the pack. I had to always be with the alpha; always have his back; always guide him in the right direction; always listen to him; always make sure others respect him. There was nothing for me in this role.

I hate it.

"No, Arron. But you do seem to complain about this a lot. Why don't you go off and find your mate?" I try to keep my voice steady, knowing that if he notices any attitude in my tone then he'll blow up like a volcano.

"Because I have a pack to run," Arron responds, "I don't have time for a mate and that's what Mom doesn't understand. Plus, I have such high expectations, I don't think any woman would be good enough for me."

Ah, here it is. His ego. Werewolves are typically very egotistical creatures. We love to talk about ourselves, we love to act big and better than others. But Arron is simply so far gone up his ass that I don't think he'll ever find his way out. It's nothing to be excused for either. He claims to know he has a mate out there and I'm not one to fight the claim since it's known that some werewolves can sense their mate within having not been close enough to feel the bond. However, he doesn't think his mate will be good enough for him as if Goddess didn't work tirelessly to create a perfect match.

I don't say anything, knowing better than to disagree on something that involved Arron's worth.

Arron's type constantly changes. One minute he wants the daughter of a strong zeta who can defend herself and fight like a true warrior but then he realizes she won't be as submissive to him as he'd like. Then he wants one of the small omega girls who won't stand up to him and will stay at home to do chores and take care of his pups. Then he realizes that she'll be boring and not worth his time.

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