Chapter Six

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Keira except her face is more round and soft 😍😍😍 ^

Bridger's POV

I didn't get even a wink of sleep last night. I had stayed up most of the night, sending emails to the few packs that were available on The Elder's registered list. It's very new technology and The Board wanted werewolves to become more accepting of technological advancements in the supernatural race. It's clear that many of us are not accepting of it, but my pack and a few others embraced these attempts. Packs had the choice of whether or not to put themselves on the list and make it available for whoever can access the site. It makes communicating easier but most werewolves don't see it that way. The list consists of the names of the packs, the rank, the population, the overall rating by Inspectors, and a breakdown of that rating.

Now, I'm just waiting for responses.

I emailed four packs last night with one of them being located in Canada. I had explained the omegas' situation the best I could as well as requested a waiting period so Jenna could have her pup here since she seems so comfortable and safe in the care of our medics. The only concern I have is the corruption of the rating system. The Elders can be easily persuaded into giving packs a better rating on upkeep, safety, and such so they'd look more attractive to werewolves looking for alliances or permanent places to stay. The Elders are corrupt and I've always wanted to see a change in their system but until now, there hasn't been.

Maybe one day.

"Beta Bridger?"

My hateful thoughts are interrupted by a soft voice. I look up to see Keira standing in the doorway of my office. I smile at her but she doesn't return it. Her face tells me she's troubled so I gesture for her to come in. I close my books and my laptop and give her my undivided attention.

Her therapist in the pack had passed away recently and though everyone is supposed to go to Arron's delta with concerns, many people have found me more welcoming. And as the beta, I can't just turn them away even if listening to their problems isn't part of my job description. I'm supposed to be Arron's second in command, by his side every hour of every day and giving him my advice for everything pack related. But neither Arron nor I want that. If he were a different person, then doing my actual job would be easier and I'd be eager to help out.

However, unfortunately, Arron is just a shitty person.

Keira takes a seat in front of me and places her clasped hands on my desk.

"I know that Alpha Arron and the new omega...Kian? Are mates," she says.

I frown. "How did you find that out?"

Her face turns red and she clears her throat, shifting in her seat. "I wasn't eavesdropping! I was just walking by the common room and I overheard you two talking about Alpha Arron."

She was definitely eavesdropping. I try not to crack a smirk knowing how nosy Keira and her friends are. I've caught them several times eavesdropping on important meetings and they'd go on to come up with an excuse far from the truth. I couldn't get mad at them, though. They're adorable when they fight each other to find the right excuse, stumbling over their words and making absolutely no sense.

"So um..." she sits back in my chair, "if they're mates does that mean that Alpha Arron will stop trying to get with me?"

I don't answer immediately. Arron has been obsessed with mating with Keira ever since she and her two dads moved into the pack years ago. I had told him to wait until he turns eighteen and when he did and his mate ended up not being in the pack, he went straight back to trying to court Keira. Despite constantly trying to pursue her, she rejected him, stating that she wants her actual mate and not an angry alpha. Arron had even thought about using his pheromones to get Keira to agree to be with him but I quickly advised against that. Being rejected by an omega has hurt his ego pretty badly.

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