Chapter Eighteen

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Jenna, Mika, and Katie all stare at me as if I just grew two heads. I'm sitting at the end of Jenna's bed while the other two stand since they arrived later than me. I can see understanding slowly hit Jenna and Katie as their faces soften and Katie slowly nods as her lips quirk up. Mika looks confused, which is expected, but before I can offer any more information he says,

"You can't be an alpha!" He shakes his head, his face scrunching up in disapproval. "There's no way that would work."

"He's not trying to be an alpha, Mika," Jenna says softly, "he literally said that."

"Yeah, Mika, it's like–" I try to think of a better way to explain it, "I won't be an alpha, okay? But it'll be us – just us – for a little bit and Katie's mate of course and then we'll have more people – more omegas – and I will be the head of it all."

Katie nods, rubbing his shoulders. "He's just gonna be leading the pack, he's not gonna be an alpha."

Mika still looks confused. I try re-explaining to him and eventually, he gets it. Before I can finish, Jenna gasps. I flinch as she jumps up and leans forward, her hand coming up to hold her big belly. Mika jumps forward, arms out as if Jenna was about to fall out of her bed. Katie's eyes widen as I quickly get off Jenna's bed to stand beside her.

"Jen?" I ask, "what happened? What's wrong?"

"I'm getting an iota!" Katie says quickly as she runs out of the room.

"My Goddess!" Jenna moans as she grabs onto my hand. "She just kicked, but Goddess that hurt really bad."

Jenna laughs and I laugh nervously with her but both of our laughs are cut short when we notice a huge wet spot forming on her blanket. Silence follows before I ask,

"Are you peeing?"

"Are you stupid?!" Jenna says, her face flushing pink as she reaches up to hit me. "My water broke, Goddess, Kian! Ugh!"

I use my hand to cover up my smile but then her words really set in and my eyes go wide. Her water broke?! She seems even more shocked than me as she gasps and looks up at me.

"My water broke!" she says again.

"What does that mean," Mika is more confused than ever as he corners himself.

I barely register his question though as I quickly help Jenna out of her bed so she doesn't have to sit in soaked bedding. Even as I try to focus on the task, my head is spinning with crazy emotions. I thought she had less than a month left to go before the baby came?! Then again, her doctor did say that she's due any day between her second to last and last month, but I was hoping she'd be able to hold enough to her last month.

Bridger and I are still training and I haven't even managed to shift yet. I'm still very nervous about everything that's happening and now with Jenna going into labour, things are speeding up incredibly fast. He told me that once Jenna has her baby, we will begin moving to Alpha Corzo's land.

But aside from all that, I just don't want to leave this pack yet. I'm excited and terrified for my new path, but everyone here has been so kind to us; they've shown us that not all packs are terrible. Especially Bridger. He's shown me that and so much more and I...I don't know if I want to leave him quite yet either. We've gotten closer and now I find myself staying in his cozy cabin every day and night, eating his homecooked meals, and reading as many books together as possible. We've hugged more, too, and have slept beside each other often...if I'm counting correctly, we've slept side by side for almost a straight week now.

Not to mention, sometimes I wake up hugging him now. At first, I was terrified of that. Peyton's words ran circles around my head and I was almost disgusted by my own actions. I felt that I was reacting in such ways to Bridger because I'm an omega and all omegas are attracted to bigger wolves.

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