Naruto is NOT pointless and too long

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I get where people get this idea from. Naruto is boring and too long in some places, but 90% of the time, it's super fucking great, save the author's inability to write girls. The male characters are fleshed out, and Naruto doesn't get everything handed to him and has to train for years to be able to master the Nine Tails chakra.

Also, he constantly has people after him, and yet he survives most of it. He has an interesting rival which parallels Bakugo and Midoriya.

Stop with your "in Naruto everyone is done for no reason" because there's great foreshadowing and they worked hard to pump out hundreds of episodes. The fillers are super fun to watch also!

He's not a Gary Stu and I can't count one person who actually is a Gary Stu in Naruto unlike many other anime series! Everybody canonically gets called out on their bullshit at one time or another and gets realistic  consequences for their actions.

Also, the character development and plot is top tier. So many problems and a very versatile cast of characters to contend with!

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