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A/N: the photo is the shelter they find**

Tw: mentions of death, possibly graphic descriptions

I opened my eyes to find dirt and debris all around me. It's still pitch black and I cough from inhaling whatever it is around me. I sit for a second trying to process what just happened when suddenly I hear rustling around me.

"Sapnap?" I call out, and got no response to which caused me to panic. Patches jumps out of the debris pile and onto my lap looking terrified but doesn't seem to be injured. I carefully stand up on the uneven ground and pick up patches and start trying to find my way around all the broken stuff.

"Dream is that you?" I finally hear Sapnap ask after ten minutes of searching and I let the out the breathe I didn't know I was holding in.

"Yeah it's me, you okay?" I call back and start heading in the direction of his voice.

"I'm good, I think I'm bleeding a little but it's not bad. You okay?"

"I'm alright. I have patches, she's okay too." I finally find him and set patches down on the only unbroken part of the floor I've found so far. "What the fuck happened?" I ask before sitting down next to him.

"I don't know. I saw a bright light and people floating up towards it. Whatever it was must have missed us."

I nod and find my way to the outside of the house. I look out and all the buildings are basically flattened. There's water flowing out of the fire hydrants and car alarms going off all around me. I hear dogs barking and electricity crackling. It's becoming orange outside telling me that it could have been hours since whatever happened was over and we've been passed out.

I hear Sapnap approach me with patches in her cat backpack. I turn around and look at him, "so what now? We should go try to find survivors right?"

He laughs a little, "I mean probably, I've never been in a situation like this before."

"Me either", I chuckle and take patches and put her backpack on my back then walk out of our mostly flattened building. Sapnap and I both split up and he covered looking to the north and east and I looked to the south and west side of our home. We both agreed to meet up back at the house when it got dark. I said my goodbye to him and started looking through the rubble.

Two hours pass by and all I found was 6 dead bodies in the rubble. I cursed to myself angry that if maybe I had found them sooner there would have still been hope. The world seemed empty. I turned back and could no longer see Sapnap. It was getting dark and I needed to head back soon but something told me to keep looking for a little longer.

I was searching through a destroyed apartment building when I heard it. The distinct sound of banging. 3 times in a row, then stopped, and it kept repeating. I carefully walked over to the sound and called out, "hello?" I got no response, just louder banging. I found the location and started digging.

After half an hour of digging through the rubble I finally found the sound. It was a man. He was wearing all black and had his hood pulled up around his face. "What's you name?" I asked the man. Again no response. But he pulled out a piece of paper and wrote -callahan-. I asked if he was hurt and he shook his head no.

The stranger named Callahan and I walked back to our meeting place where Sapnap was already waiting with a girl.

"Hey, who's that?" Sapnap asked upon seeing Callahan and I appear.

"His names Callahan, who's that?" I replied signaling at the girl.

"My names niki!" She enthusiastically replies and holds her hand out for me to shake. I shook it and turned my attention back to sap who I now realize is bleeding more than before.

"I think we need to find where our bathroom was and bandage you up then try finding shelter", I say while walking towards him to examine the cut. It doesn't look deep enough for stitches but it definitely needs some cleaning out.

We all agree and start looking around our bathroom area until bandages and peroxide are found. I help him patch his arm up then slowly look around us to find any type of shelter left.

Niki spots a concrete like shelter and points at it. We all make our way over to it and open it to find it empty. We looked around it and it went down into the ground deep, it had 7 bedrooms and about two years worth of food and water. We all easily agreed to stay here and picked out our respected rooms and went to sleep for the night.

When I woke up the next morning the first thing I smelled was pancakes. I knew it wasn't Sapnap because his pancakes are nasty, and these smelled great. I didn't have any clothes to change into so I just walked out to the kitchen area. I found Callahan cooking silently and Sapnap and Niki were talking on the sofa.

I walked over to the sofa and sat down next to Sapnap and patches jumped on my lap and i pet her while interrupting Sapnap's conversation, "We have to go back to the house today. We need clothes and patches needs cat food,"

"I agree. I'll take Niki back to the place I found her too and you can take Callahan back to his place to pick up some belongings as well"

"Sounds fine to me" I reply just as Callahan sets food on the table. We all walk over to it and sit down to eat together. I laugh a little, "feels like we're one big family."

"I agree, feels surreal we had to meet under these circumstances" Niki replied. Callahan just nods his head.

After breakfast Sapnap and Niki head out, along with Callahan and I. We headed to Callahans first and I stood there as he searched around for some belongings. After around 23 minutes of him searching I heard something and stopped him so there wouldn't be noise. He looked at me like I was crazy and wrote in the stupid notepad he carries around -what is it?-

I don't reply. I just keep listening. Then I heard it again. The faint sound of a baby crying.

Word count: 1097

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