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Tw: some graphic descriptions

I immediately run to the area I heard the baby and signal for Callahan to come. It's stopped again so we wait for the baby to cry again to locate it. As soon as I hear it I get on my hands and knees and start digging. Shortly after Callahan joins me.

After 20 minutes of digging I pulled out a baby boy with a note attached to his neck. The note read:

<This is Micheal. My name is Philza, I heard about the alien abduction and I quickly wrote this note and hid him in hopes someone would find him. Please take good care of him.>

I gently picked up the baby and the backpack of his belongings and walked back to Callahans living space. As he picked out the rest of his clothing and essentials I rocked the baby to stop him from crying.

Soon we were making our way back to meet with Sapnap and Niki. They seemed to have found an extra person as well. He wore all blue and looks to have been crying.

Sapnap saw the baby and looked at me in shock before asking, "where'd you find that?"

I shrugged before replying, "he was under the rubble. The note said his names Micheal. He's got a bag of belongings and I'm really hoping there's food in it. Who's that?"

"That's skeppy. I found him sitting next to what I assume was his home crying."

I nod and carefully hand the baby to Callahan so I can try to find some essentials for myself. Sapnap and I grab everything we need and we regroup with everyone. "I say we go change, and each of us take turns with Micheal and searching for more people."

Everyone agrees and we all head back to the bunker. At the bunker we all take turns in the shower to freshen up and get dressed. Skeppy volunteers to stay with Michael first since he's still too worried to look. I promised to return after 3 hours so I could switch spots with him.

All of us split up the search areas to cover more grounds. I go north of our bunker. I found a can of spray paint for each of us to mark areas we've covered. I set up a marker that has been searched in the previous day and a half.

I get to a small home right outside my marked area and start digging. Nails go into my hands and I have cuts all over along with many, many slivers. *Damnit I really need to get us gloves* I thought to myself. I find nothing in that house. I move on and keep digging.

I'm nearing the end of my three hours when I hear a rustling sound. I jump, not sure if it's human or animal. "Hello?" I call out. I wait for a minute and receive no answer and I go back to looking one last time.

"I set bombs underneath there by the way," an ominous voice says to me. I stop in my tracks then I hear him burst out laughing. I turn around when he extends his hand for me to shake. "I'm Wilbur. Such an unpleasant way to meet you."

"Dream. You're quite a jokester still after all this?" I shake his hand.

"We all grieve differently."

"I suppose that's true. We have a bunker with food and clothes. You wanna come?"

"Yeah I'll go, all my stuff is destroyed and I'm due for a shower."

I mark that house and walk back to the shelter. Skeppy is still the only one there and Micheal is asleep in his arms. I direct Wilbur to the bathroom and give him a pair of my clothes. Skeppy carefully hands me Micheal and goes to the kitchen to start lunch for everyone.

Wilbur gets out of the shower and everyone returns, no extra people with anyone. They all sit down at the table and niki points at Wilbur, "who's that?"

"I'm a fucking god. People kiss the ground as I walk by, and yet I am a burning fuse. A long, slow-burning fuse. But I'm telling you over the next couple of weeks I'm gonna be a different man than the one you see today, I can feel it," Wilbur replied after a few moments of thought.

"That was interesting but I believe she meant your name idiot," Sapnap cockily replied to his statement.

I finally decide to step in, "that's Wilbur. He definitely has one for the dramatics. He told me he planted bombs where I was searching as a joke." I see Sapnap roll his eyes.

We all go quiet and eat in peace the rest of the meal. We thank Skeppy for lunch and everyone besides Micheal and I leave. Wilbur heads out to his own home to continue searching and get himself some clothing.

After half an hour Micheal wakes up crying, I grab him to see why he is crying and notice his diaper is full. I change it and make him a bottle to feed him. I see Skeppy has a log of when he was fed and changed so I add the time for both things I did and how much Micheal ate.

I give him my keys to play with and the blanket he had in the bag. He plays for a while before yawning and I take that as my cue to rock him. I rock him for 25 minutes and he falls asleep. I carefully lay him in the makeshift crib and start doing dishes from lunch and before I know it Skeppy is walking back in, but he's not alone. I turn around and both Skeppy and the Stranger are covered in blood. I can't tell who's blood since they're both holding each other.

Before I can react or ask what happened they both drop to the ground.

Word count: 987

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