Behind The Curtains 6

419 11 2

Maybe a little bit of foolishs side of the story

Two Sides

"Who was that guy?" Sage questioned, as soon as you entered the car and slammed the door close. It was weird to see you speaking with someone who wasn't Joanna sometimes, so he watched from the car the whole interaction. "I didn't take you as the heartbreaker type" He huffed, nudging your shoulder trying to get you to change your straight face. "Oh don't look at me like that," He said, seeing the mean glare in your eyes. "You can walk if you'd like" He teased.

You needed to get your license. 

"He's no one.. literally no one" You mumbled, turning away from Sage.

"What? He's what? I couldn't hear youuuu," Sage said, shaking your shoulder. He liked to bother you whenever he had a good reason to.

"Quit it," You said, annoyed. "I don't want to talk about it" You sighed, pulling out your phone to get the attention off you.

"Alright, fine" Sage let go of you, raising his hand in surrender. He laughed lightly, letting his hand drop to the steering wheel. "Are you gonna stay after school every day now or something?" He asked. "I gotta make sure an itinerary would be nice"

"It's not like I'm stealing your precious hanging out time at Aidan's basement" You rolled your eyes. Your brother was currently taking a gap year before going off to college. He felt the need to have a year to sort out his options and make a solid decision on what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Your parents never say no to him so he's been staying with his friends ever since. But at least he gives you rides to school and wherever you want.

"You're looking at a legend in the making. Chill out," Sage demanded.

Letting your head drop to your seat headrest, you sighed. "Sorry," You said, starting to cool down. "What did mom cook tonight?" You asked, changing the conversation.

Sage scoffed, pulling away from the school. "Nothing you know it," He said. Your parents were often too busy to get something up, especially your mother.

"Of course! can we please get *insert your favorite fast food* it's on me this time," You said, excitedly you needed it today.

"Doesn't sound bad. Let's go," Sage agreed.

Foolish pov...

He drove home, the music in his stereo low while sitting alone in his car. The bitter thoughts were consuming his senses while he drove, looking straight ahead to the road. Your words changed his purpose in the play, he's never been caused by something the way you accused him. He's also never been told off by a girl in the way you did. 

There was a little guilt setting in his actions, the play was sort of spontaneous he didn't think he would get a callback or get one of the leads. He couldn't think straight anymore, this was a mistake.  He's never lied too easily to his friends and, at the same has made anyone get as mad as you. It was both shocking and not really surprising.

Foolish has seen you on edge a couple of times before, on school-related occasions. 

Foolish knew the consequences.

"Oh Noah, you're home," Foolish's mother said, greeting her son like always whenever he came home from school. Along with Foolish dog, they both walked over to him.

Foolish faked his smile, closing the door behind him. "Hi, Mom" He smiled politely, setting his keys on the holder. 

"It's kinda late isn't it?" She said, turning on her phone to check the time. The number on the screen read 7:14 p.m. on her phone.

"Oh yeah, I was.." Foolish dragged his words trying to come up with something believable. "Tutoring! Yeah, a teacher said it would be good for my college application," He explained.

"Really? That's so nice of you Noah. What class are you tutoring" His mother asked curiously.

"Computer science," Foolish said quickly. "I also had some of my homework to do and when I least expected it was 7" He explained with a small laugh.

"Oh, okay. Well, dinner will be ready soon I'll let you know"

Foolish nodded, heading for his room. He went up the stairs to his room, wishing that dinner time could get canceled for one night. He didn't want to deal with his father's comments on the table.

"Tutoring? Don't only smart people do tutoring?" Foolish sister, Morgan huffed.

Foolish gave her a look from across the table. "Morgan, that's not funny"

His family was eating together at the dinner table, discussing the day they had. It was all going normally. Foolish said how much he liked the food his mother made and Morgan talked about her day at school. Their father listened while their mother contributed to the conversation.

But that was until Foolish's father asked him about basketball season.

"You're not gonna tutor instead of playing, right? It was a one-day thing," His father asked, letting his food down to give his full attention to his son. "You know there were so many recruiters getting their eye on you last year"

"Yeah, I know it's just.." Foolish felt concerned, looking down at his plate.

His father was just staring blankly at him, waiting for an answer, but for Foolish he felt like his father's eyes were piercing through him.

"Dad I'm in a play and I don't think I like basketball anymore," Foolish wished he could say.

"Tryouts were canceled today because of something that happened at the gym. I had nothing to do so I wanted to try it out. It won't happen again though" Foolish said without stuttering once. Despite what was in his mind he said the complete opposite. "Try outs are next week" He lied.

"Good" His father said, reaching to pat his shoulder proudly. "You know how important it is for you to get that full ride" 

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