'.Chapter 12.'

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Thank you for over 400+ reads!!!!! That means alot to me as a small creator


You got your one fluff chapter now suffer angst motherfuckers

Is it funny that I dont swear irl but online I do?


TWs: abuse mentions, abuse, starvation mentions (slight), swearing, blood mentions, bleeding

Enjoy :)

Stinky Crusty musty grandma toes

-tubbos POV-

I woke up on the couch, I was laid against techno, I slowly rubbed my eyes and sat up yawning

"Morning" said a familiar monotone vocie
"Morning techy- techno-" I heard techno chuckle at me calling him techy
"It's fine kid, don't mind the name" I nodded and smiled, that smile so faded as I remembered what was happening today... I was going...


I gulped and felt all my happiness leave my body like it was being sucked out by a vacuum cleaner

"Hey buddy!" I looked to see dadza standing there with keys in his hands '*please let this just be a shopping trip...*'
"Ready to go home? Ive packed your things like your journal and clothes" I only nodded, I didn't want to go home...

I slowly got up and realised I was still wearing technos Cape, I went to give it back to him but he told me to keep it, I smiled and waved goodbye to everyone that was awake, which was techno, we left the house and dadza unlocked the car, I hoped into the back with my bag and fastened my seatbelt, dadza did the same and we set off to my house

On the way there

"I messaged your dad that I was dropping you back home today" dadza said
"Okay..." I muttered
"Why did you run away?" I knew he was gonna ask this
"Private reasons" he only nodded to my response, glad he didn't push me into telling him, I sighed and sand down into my seat thinking of what farther might do, I clung onto technos Cape hoping something would change and I wouldn't have to go home

At schlatts house

Nothing happened that would stop me from coming here... Dadza knocked on the door and I heard scurrying from inside and some bottoms falling over, the door then opened

"Phil... Thank you I've been worried sick, police wouldn't do much as you can tell" he put in a fake sad vocie, dadza smiled and pushed me forward slightly, I got the message and walked towards my so called "farther" and said my final goodbyes to dadza... My final goodbyes to freedom...

As dadza drive out of the street my father basically threw me inside, I got my head on the floor and winched in pain

"You'll be screaming by the time I'm fucking done with you!!" He lifted me to my feet and proceeded to just throw me to the floor in an attempt to make me pass out I assume, but it wasn't working
"Fucking brat!!" He kicked me
"You should just die!!" He yelled continuing to kick me
"Your mother should've aborted you!!" That broke me so I have him what he wanted

For me to become weak and to cry...

I let the years roll down my cheeks as I watched an evil grin spread across his face

"No food for a week got it?" I couldn't live but I managed to nod, he then punched me and I passed out

Once he had woke up

I awoke on the kitchen floor, I was bleeding, cuts covered my legs and arms I winched in pain as I got up, I couldn't really stand

"That's what happens when you run away" I heard a calm vocie say... A calm vocie, I looked up to see my dad grinning at me with a cup of coffee, it smelt so good, I wanted to ask for food but I remembered I couldn't  eat for a week...
"To your room" he half yelled, I listened and ran to my room, or ran as much as I could- couldn't really run well-.

I sighed as I entered my room, I shut the door and slowly fell to the floor, I still had technos Cape on so I layed down and wrapped myself in it, closing my eyes and slowly letting my body fall asleep

I already want to go back...

Done, I think I'm finally getting a sleep schedule! It's a miracle!! It really is-


Remember your valid and bye bye for now rats

Word count:746

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