'.Chapter 19.'

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Getting into more of the angsty things 👍

Also what's your guys opinions on dnf cause I can't be the only one who doesn't like it right? RIGHT??

Ehem- sorry just needed to know

TWs: swearing, sw3w3rsl8d3 thoughts, abuse, SA mentions, rāp3 mentions (this dosent happen to anyone, nor did the SA), murder mentions

-tubbos POV-

I stormed into my room, who does she think she is! I let out a angry grunt and layed down on my bed, I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through TikTok, my fyp was mainly full of the 16 personality stuff (I'm INFP! What's your guys type? If you don't know just do a test that's online I recommend the one that's called 16 personalities, its free, sorry I'll shut up now-) and vent videos I mostly related too.

-------------------------------------------------------------10 minutes later

I heard people coming upstairs, probably just farther and lani... I wonder how farther reacted when I stormed off... I'll know if he decides to come into my room..., I heard a door open and some muffled talking before the door closed again, I heard footsteps getting closer to my door, I began to panic, I hid my phone and sat up staring the door down, then it opened... My father was staring back at me with angry eyes

"Get your disrespectful ass over here right now!" He said walking into my room and closing the door, locking it...
"Farther I'm sorry- i-i ju-st snap-ed" I began stuttering, oh no...
"Stop stuttering and get the fuck here!" I got up in defeat and walked over to him, he slapped me across the face
"Learn some respect!" He then punched me, I immediately started crying, he began laughing
"Psychopath..." I mumbled to myself through tears
"I'm a psychopath now?" He laughed again, he pushed me over and stood over me,
"I'll show you psychopath" he then bagn kicking me over and over again, just


I began sobbing and coughing, I scrambled away from him and closer to my bed
"STOP! PLEASE!" I begged, o was crying my eyes out
"Shut up brat!!" He dragged me up by my collar and threw me against my bed frame, he then picked up the mirror on my dresser and threw it at me, I screamed in pain as it hit me I'm the face, some of the glass shattered and stabbed me
"Farther please!!" I choked out, I was now just chocking on my own sobs, my whole body hurt, I couldn't do this anymore! My dad laughed and my pled and unlocked my door and just left,he closed the door behind him of course,I sat there and let thoughts fill my head
'*kill yourself*'
'*your worthless!!*'
'*no-ones going to miss you!*'
'*just end it all! The pain will stop after too!*'
I just closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep, despite how much fucking pain I was in

-Lanis POV-

I felt tears roll down my face, I just sat in my bed listening to what was happening, I could hear tubbo screaming, crying and pleading at my step-dad to stop doing whatever he was doing, a thousand thoughts came rushing to my head of what he could be doing

1. Abuse
2. S3xuāl āss7lt

It's probably nothing nothing tho! I heard a door unlock and open, then close, I waited till I heard no more footsteps and then I decide to see what happened, I creeped out my bed and into the hallway, I got to tubbos room and slowly opened the door, I gasped in shock and horror, tubbo was sat next to his bed frame, asleep I hope... with glass in his arms and legs, bleeding and bruised... So it was abuse... I have to inform the police! I saw tubbos phone and grabbed it, I clicked emergency contact until I heard a vocie

"Don't..." I looked down and saw tubbo, he was awake now
"Why!" I whisper yelled
"He'll hurt you too... And me... I don't want you hurt, you shouldn't have to go through what I'm going through" he said
"No! This isn't right! We have enough evidence to get him arrested!!" I again whisper yelled
"Lani, he'll find away to win... Like he did with my mother's murder"
"M-murder- N-No! He told me it was childbirth! T-that kil-led her!"
"No, he did, she wanted a divorce, farther didn't like that, he was extremely controlling and abusive to my mother, she had enough... But farther couldn't take that, so he killed her" he just stared at the floor "I was only 8... And I witnessed the murder of my own mother..." Tears rolled down his cheeks, I stared in pure shock, from what seemed like a somewhat happy family turned out to be a full on horror show
"Ive said to much now... Just go to bed please..." I just nodded at his request, I secretly took his phone as I left, my step-dad isn't getting away with this! Not on my watch! I may be 7 but my mind's we'll beyond my years! I hid the phone under my pillow and went to sleep, I would continue my plan tomorrow, I just need to catch the abuse and confession on camera... That's goi g to be hard...

Lani has a plan

Will it work, should I let you decide? No I won't cause I've already planned the plot- maybe in one off my books I'll let you guys decide how it ends!

Now for you think the plan will work

Yes, and why? (Don't have to explain) ->

No and why? (Don't have to explain) ->

Anygays! For now I decide!

Remember your valid and bye bye for now rats!

Word count:974

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