'.Chapter 17.'

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We are speed running year 7!!!
It's Easter now cause I have no idea what to do :D

TWs: alcohol, smoking, sw3w3rsl8d3 thoughts, cVtt8ng mentions, blood mentions

-tubbos POV-

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as my farther began driving away from the school

"How is it there" my farther said blankly
"Science is terrible" I muttered
"Teachers terrible! He hit me because I said I'm dyslexic and couldn't read what was on the board" I grumbled
My farther hummed
"Why are you in a good mood..." I mumbled
"No reason" he said with a happy tone... A happy tone... I just nodded and looked out the window

At the house

We arrived home and another car was in the drive way...

"Dad- farther..."
"Shut up!" He yelled

I listened for obvious reasons, and we both walked into the house, as we entered I saw a women siting in the couch smoking, she looked at my farther and smiled, she then looked at me and her smiled dropped

"Whos that!?" They said taking their cigar out
"My son"
"Looks like a dirty street rat!" They spat
"He is" my farther chuckled, I looked down
"What's your name?" They stood up and walked over to me, lifting my chin up so I was looking at them
"I was told it was Toby?" They looked at my farther, he groaned
"He likes tubbo for some stupid reason" he spat looking at me
"Mother called me that" I said "I would never want to change it" I crossed my arms, my farther walked over to me and slapped me
"Respect you little brat!" I nodded
"To your room!" I sighed but as I was about to go I saw a kid peeking through a door
"Who's that?..." I pointed at the kid
"Your step sister Lani" the women said "I'm your step mom Sandra" I nodded
"I'll go to my room now..." I said as I walked over to the stairs, not breaking eye contact with Lani

In tubbos room

I flopped down onto my bed, looking up at the ceiling, tears started rolling down my face, they leaked onto my sheets, wetting them, I looked over to my diary/ journal and thought to get up and write but I didn't want to, I just let my thoughts overtake my mind and just layed there

'*I should kill myself, I'm not worth living, I should die, I should-*' one thought stuck with me in particular, I sat up and looked around, I saw a sharpener in my desk...

After getting the sharpener blade out

I held the small blade in my hands
'*this will work*' I rolled my school jacket sleeves up and looked at the previous scars, I just shrugged them off and placed the blade against my skin, I pressed down and  slid the blade across my skin


Blood covered my arms, I can't fucking di this anymore, how I'm still here surprises me... I should of killed myself ages ago... Why did I stay

Why did I stay?

Angst angst angst, on the way to serious angst Boop Boop boom

Hope that was good! Hope you liked!


Remember your valid and bye bye for now rats

Word count:554

They Don't Know...|tubbo angst|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin