'.Chapter 26.'

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Ayup, this is the reaction chapter

TWs: sw3w3rsl8d3 mentions, denial, grief, blood mentions, scar mentions
(Idk how to spell denial- is that right?)

-ranboos POV-

I started frantically messaging tubbo, hoping that sw3w3rsl8d3 text was just a joke, but maybe it wasn't... He wasn't replying, or even reading them, he's definitely not asleep, he didn't say goodnight  or even anything remotely close to going to sleep! I felt tears roll down my cheeks, he still hadn't replied... He's really fine isn't he? I tried to sigh but it came out like a choke then a sigh, I might as well confess to him about something, I start typing, I had a crush on tubbo... I wouldn't say it was that big... Maybe a little bit but that's not the point! I sent the message, adding "my beloved <3" at the end I put my phone down and cried myself to sleep, I refuse to go to school tomorrow, tubbo isn't here anymore so what's the point!!

-tommys POV-

I opened my eyes and looked at my phone to see a message from tubbo, I read the first few words "Tommy, it's time for me to say goodbye" I looked at the message, was he breaking up our friendship? I was trying not to jump to conclusions so I just opened messages and read the long paragraph he had sent me, I was about 5 lines in when I suddenly dropped my phone, tears were already forming in my eyes and rolling down my cheeks

'*this is fake*'
'*he's not dead!*'
'*he wouldn't commit sw3w3rsl8d3, there's just no way he would!*'

My emotions started getting overwhelming, I was breaking down, I couldn't breath well, tubbos not dead- I know it! It's just a really sick joke, I picked my phone up and started typing

"Nice joke"
"Tubbo? This is a joke right?"
"Stop playing around!"
"Please answer!"
"Tubbo I can't lose you!!!"
"I can't lose you tubbo please!!"
"Your atleast awake and not dead yet right?"
"You haven't commited yet right?!!?"

He wasn't replying, he wasn't reading them...

He isn't dead.

There's just not way he is

-schlatts POV-

I started yelling Toby's name, he wasn't replying, or rushing downstairs... Something isn't right, Toby's to scared to disobey me, and if he is then... Oh boy he's in for a treat, I cracked my knuckles and started walking up the stairs

"Toby last chance~"

I reached his door, something- felt off... I had this bad guy feeling, Toby isn't acting like himself and that means something bad...

Something really bad...

I swung open the door and stared in horror as I saw my own son hanging by rope from the ceiling with dried up blood on his arms and him covered in scars, I couldn't believe my eyes, I saw a pile if books near him, I slowly entered the room and picked up the paper, it was a s3w3rsl8d3 note... I began reading it

Hello schlatt

If your reading this I am dead, cause of death- well you know what it is, I want you to know this is your fault. You made me this way, what you did to me made me like this I want you to know that! I tried loving you! I tried to be the best son you could ever dream off! But no I wasn't good enough...

You know those words hurt me alot, they caused me to do things I didn't want to do, I've only done this because there was no other way to solve it, words cut deeper then actions.

-your son/failure tubbo

This is all my fault? It really is isn't it?

Why couldn't I just he the dad he wanted... He didn't even call me farther in the note... I deserve that I guess... I'm a terrible person, I shrank down onto the floor and started crying, hugging the note...

I'm a terrible farther...

I hope you enjoyed this, the next chapter of this will be thank you pages and potentially an update on me maybe writing tubbos journal

Would you want that?

Yes ->

No ->

Remember your valid and bye bye for now rats

Word count:702

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