'.Chapter 13.'

618 17 15

I'm so fucking bored

How's life?
Mine could be better

Thank you for 500+ reads, I come back after a couple hours and I always have 100 more reads, thank you :)


TWs: mentions of starvation, mentions of abuse

Tell me if I missed anything :)

-tubbos POV-

It's only been 2 days and I feel like my body's slowly wasting away, I listened to my farther and I haven't eaten, even when he was away

"Tubbo what do you want for Christmas?" My farther said walking into my room
"Why? Just curious why your asking-"
"Cause I want to know"
"Oh... I don't know, I never really make a list anymore" I looked towards my window
"No list?"
"It's not like your going to get what I would like..." I mumbled
"I will this year"
"People are coming round arnt they on Christmas" he nodded
"Teddy bear... And a piano" I said with a more happy tone
"Alright..." Then he left...

He's only doing this cause he wants to seem like a good farther... Why can't he just be nice to me without people being here? Why... I sighed and grabbed my journal and began writing in it

Hours later

"I made you food" my farther said as he walked into my room with a plate of food
"Is this some sort of taunt so you can start hitting me if I try to eat it" I said looking him dead in the eyes
"No I need you to look healthy idoit" he snapped at me, I flinched and nodded, he placed the plate on my bed and walked out the door, closing it behind him, I looked at the food on my plate, I slowly picked up a chip and began to eat it.

soon enough my whole plate was empty, god I at it so fast... Ive never been this hungry before, guess this happens when you don't eat for 3 days! Atleast farther didn't hit me like he always does when I eat without permission, I smiled slightly and picked my plate up and walked out my room

In the living room

It reaked of alcohol in here, I gagged mental and walked towards the kitchen and put my plate in the sink

"I'm going out brat clean the house!" I nodded at my farthers request
"Yes farther." I grabbed the broom against the wall and began to sweep
"Better be spotless or else!" I nodded, telling tears roll down my cheeks
"STOP CRYING!!" He shouted, I flinched and began crying more
"BOYS DON'T CRY!" that's right... That's what I always hear

Boys don't cry... But I do

Ovbs boys can cry, it's a basic emotion, if any of you say that to your younger or older brothers or your dad says that to them, tell them they can cry, it's fine, I heard my dad say that to brother, it's fucking annoying, boys can cry


That went of track lol- ehem

Remember your valid and bye bye for now rats

Word count:508

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