taehyung as ur cold mafia husband

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Your marriage with Taehyung was forced
Your parents and his forced you both to marry each other
In front of others you both always pretended that your marital relationship was
going well..
But in reality the two of you never had sexual intercourse with each other ..
Today you would accompany him on a business appointment
And you were willing to reach his limits as you always did ..

He saw you walking downstairs in this provocative red dress..

Taehyung: what the f*ck are you wearing??

Y/N: Why?? don't you like it??
*you said while smirking"

Tachyung: You are not going anywhere dressed
like that

Y/N: are not my dad.

Taehyung: Im your husband

Y/N: Only on papers . *you said ready to walk out*

Taehyung: Y/NI
"he said and grabbed your arm"

Y/N: we will be late
*you said and walked out of the house while smirking*

He followed you to the car and he drove you both to the restaurant
When you arrived at the restaurant you saw someone
it was.. Jungkook
He was in love with you and your husband knew it
You smirked and approached him leaving your husband behind knowing how crazy this will make him
You smirked and approached Jungkook

Y/N: Hello Jungkook..

Jungkook: Y/N??

Y/N: What are you doing here??

Jungkook: Im part of your husband's business appointment..

As you were talking with Jungkook someone grabbed your hand..
It was no other than Taehyung
He took you with him and you both sat at the table, Jungkook followed you and him
The conversation about business started
You were getting bored and bored as Taehyung, Jungkook and their assistants were talking
So you decided to play a little by flirting with Jungkook
A thing that would make your husband go crazy and you knew it
So it was what you wanted
You winked at him and the flirting started
Tachyung was watching you both and the blood in his veins was boiling..
He was patient until the dinner was over
Then he grabbed your hand and pulled you with him into the car
He didn't say a word until you got home but you knew he was mad..
When you got home you went inside
You were about to go to you room but before you could Taehyung grabbed you and pinned you to the wall..

Taehyung: do you want him dead??

Y/N: Let go of me Taehyung

Taehyung: Stay away from him

Y/N. I will do whatever I want.

Taehyung: Don't test my patience Y/N

Y/N: What's your problem?? I mean our marriage is a lie, I can do whatever I want

Y/N: I can go on a date with him, I can even kiss him and make love with him..

Tachyung Don't cross the limits Y /N

You smirked

Y/N: But I only want you babv,

Tachyung. Stop these games Y/N

Y/N: I want you Taehyung
"you said and started caressing his chest and shoulders

Tachyung. Y/N..

taehyung as your cold  mafia husband Where stories live. Discover now