taehyung as ur cold mafia husband

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The next morning Taehyung went to work so you found the opportunity to go to a lawyer, the reason
You wanted a divorce
So the lawyer prepared the papers for the divorce the same morning so you took them and returned home
You weren't in the mood toargue with Taehyung or to talk about it, you didn't had the courage, so you decided to writea letter to him
After what he did to you, you believed that he deserved to leave him by leaving behind only a letter and the divorce
Ofc you couldn't remember much from the previous night as you were drunk, everything was vague
The only thing that you could remember clearly was the kiss you saw Taehyung sharing with his former secretary
You were feeling a strong pain in your heart, it was like a knife was piercing your heart continuously
You were feeling pain and hate at the same time, except of cheated, you were feeling betrayed too
Betrayed because you believed him, you believed in his love, you gave yourself to him, you gave your love to him, now you knew that his every word, his every deed were only an obsession and a feeling of conquest
You were feeling so stupid because you believed that he loved you, if he loved you, he would never cheat on you, everything was a lie, it was so good to be true, it felt so good to be loved by him that you fell into his trape, your love and desire for him seduced you, you couldn't resist him and the feelings you had for him..
After minutes of crying you pulled yourself together and went to your room, you changed your clothes and packed your things
But when you were ready to leave
Taehyung arrived earlier than usual
When you saw him you tried quickly to hide the letter and the divorce

Y/N: you are earlier ..
*you said in a cold tone*

Taehyung: we have something to discuss about

Y/N: And what is that??

Taehyung: it's about last night, you said something that I didn't like and your behaviour towards me was strange

Taehyung: but first show me what you are hiding right there

Y/N: give it back

Taehyung: what the f*ck is this??

Taehyung: what's this shit Y/N ANSWER ME!!

Y/N: you sing it, now

Taehyung: WHAT THE F*CK Y/N??

Taehyung: WHAT IS IT NOW?

Y/N: let go of my hand, you are hurting me

He pushed you on the couch causing a groan to leave your mouth


Y/N: I realised that I don't love you

Taehyung: stop the f*cking nonsense Y/N

Taehyung: I don't f*cking believe you

He said and kissed you immediately

Y/N: stop it

Y/N: Taehyung.. stop *you murdered*

Y/N: it hurts..
*you screamed when he sucked your neck*

Y/N: get off me..
*you said and pushed him with all the strength that you had*

Taehyung: I'm sorry

He said when you putted your hand on your neck where he had hurt you
You tried to find your breath after the forceful kiss that he gave you seconds ago and then glared at him

Taehyung: I want an explanation, a real explanation Y/N

You said nothing and left a breath out

Taehyung: why do you suddenly want to divorce with me?? I want to know the reason . What happened so suddenly?

Y/N: I saw you Taehyung

Taehyung: you saw what??

*You said and grabbed your suitcase*

Taehyung: Y/N wait

Y/N: Im leaving now, sing the papers, its over..

You said as he was chasing you, you werecrying inside

Taehyung: Y/N stop

Taehyung: I would never cheat on you Y/N, never

Y/N: do you really want me to believe you after I saw you?? stop being ridiculous Kim Taekyung..

Taehyung: Y/N don't believe even anything you see with your own eyes, they can betray you too

Y/N: what do you mean by that??

Taehyung: I mean that I never cheated on you

Y/N you are unbelievable Taehyung..

Taehyung: I love you Y/N

*his I love you brought back to your mind the moment that he kissed his former secretary and pierced your heart again*

Y/N: you are shameless..

Y/N: you don't care about anyone's feelings, you continue lying without a trace of humanity you continue lying that you love me

Taehyung: Y/N. I love you, truly please believe me, I never cheated on you, you are the woman Ilove, you are my wife you are enough to me, I never felt any desire for that secretary my love, I never kissed her I swear.


Taehyung: Y/N..

Y/N: stop and tell me then .. why did you meet her? what was the reason then?? what's your excuse here?? do you even have one?

He remained silent and stared at you as you were waiting for an answer, an answer to prove that he was innocent .. your heart wanted him to be innocent

An answer that you never took

Y/N: forget it

*You said and looked
at him with your teary eyes*

Y/N: we are done

Taehyung: no Y/N

Y/N: let go Taehyung

Taehyung: Y/N wait, I can't tell you the reason

*You wanted to slap him but you kept your patience*

Y/N: stepaside Taehyung..

*You said and opened the door*

Taehyung: no Y/N dont go

Taehyung: don't leave me, I love you so much..

*He shouted*

(here is the end for the first season yall
want a season 2? )

taehyung as your cold  mafia husband Where stories live. Discover now