taehyung as ur cold mafia husband

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So that afternoon you took the plane to Paris with Taehyung and his annoying secretary
The next evening you all arrived at Paris and immediately went to the hotel where you would stay during your stay in Paris
Thehyung accompanied you to your room and told you that tonight you would go together for a drink with his new associates, would arrange work with

Y /N: okay Taehyung.
*you said in cold tone*

Then you were about to enter your room but Taehyung grabbed you by your arm

Y/N: what is it now Taehyung?

Taehyung: maybe we should share the same room, you know since I'm your husband

Taehyung: we should sleep together, in the same bed

Taehyung: we can do things together, tonight

Y/N: just go to your room Taehyung

You said and got in your room
Taehyung got angry
Hewanted to touch you, to kiss you, to sleep with you
The thing that you didn't let him made him mad

Taehyung: okay fine Y/N you will beg for it.

That night you accompanied Taehyung to his business meeting

Y/N: perfect, you go, I will stay here

Taehyung: no, you are coming with me

Y/N: huh?? you are not going to tell me what to do

Taehyung: stop behaving like a spoiled baby

Y/N: huh what?? do I look to you like a baby?

Y/N: I'm not a baby, I'm an adult and mature woman and I don't take orders from anyone

Taehyung: enough with talking, now follow me.

Y/N: your secretary is waiting for you, just go to her, I will stay here, I promise

So Taehyung left you behind and went to sit with his secretary but little you didn't know that he would watch you

As you were looking at them the jealously overwhelmed you
She was touching him

Y/N: hello you b*tch, his wife is right here..

You couldn't take it anymore, you had to calm down, so you took a drink from the waiter who passed by you
You drunk it all
Tashyung was secretly watching you all the time
He saw a man talling to you, the man offered you a drink

Man: cheers beautiful

Taehyung walked quickly towards you
He grabbed your hand and pulled you with him

Taehyung: get in the car now

Y/N: what the hell Taehyung??

When you returned back to the hotel with
Taehyung he pulled you with him to his room

Y/N: what's wrong with you??
*you asked and you were about go out*

Taehyung: what the f*ck were you doing with that fucking man Y/N??

Y/N: it's none of your business..

Y/N: why do you care?? move over Taehyung

Taehyung: don't make me repeat myself Y/N

Y/N: let go of me Taehyung

You said and you were trying to push him away

taehyung: you are my wife, you can't be with anyone else, only with me..


You said and after many attempts you managed to push him

Taehyung: Y/N!

Y/N: what are you doing now Taehyung? let me go out

Taehyung: don't dare to say that again

Taehyung: if you want to do something then do it with me

Y/N: you are not even good in bed

You said on purpose wanting to make him angry and then left

taehyung as your cold  mafia husband Where stories live. Discover now